6 Unique Activities To Try On Your Next Vacation

Welcome to a new world, where you have been taken away from your day-to-day life and brought into a land that is completely foreign. You may be in Australia, New Zealand, South America, or one of many other places around the world. Wherever it may be though, there are activities you can try here that will be both unique and interesting while allowing you to experience some aspects of this country’s culture. Here are six unique activities to try on your next vacation!

Play Gel Ball in Australia

One of the more unique activities you can do is play gel ball in Australia. Playing GBU in Australia is like playing paintball, except instead of shooting at each other with compressed air pellets it uses balls filled with water. So find a company that offers gel balling where you are. What could be more fun than that? Make sure you know how to properly put on and wear your protective gear, and make sure you and those playing with you know the rules specific to the game you are playing. Here are the rules of the game:

  • You will be divided up into two teams of six to twelve players.
  • Each team gets five gel balls per player and an unlimited supply of water canisters.
  • It is a one-point penalty for someone who shoots out an eye or mouth, and a three-point penalty for shooting out the crotch area.
  • The first team to fifty points wins and then it’s time to celebrate!

Go Swimming With Sea Turtles in Mexico

6 Unique Activities To Try On Your Next Vacation

One of the most unique activities you can do while on vacation is go swimming with sea turtles near Cancun, Mexico. In this area, you can not only swim with them but also scuba dive with them, snorkel with them, and kayak. The sea turtles in this area are huge and there’s an average of one every 100 feet you swim. It’s a surreal experience swimming with them while also being incredibly educational at the same time. You can go diving or just float around in the water with these gentle giants, so why not try it out?

Visit A Chocolate Factory in Peru

One of the most unique activities you can do for your next vacation is to visit a chocolate factory in Peru. Here you will get to learn everything there is to know about how chocolate is made, what kinds of chocolates they make today, and even what kinds of chocolates they used to make years ago when cocoa plants were first discovered. Moreover, you get to try out some of their chocolates which is always a nice bonus. Here are some of the cool things you’d learn:

  • 70% of cocoa beans are used for chocolate.
  • Percolate is a part of the process of converting cocoa to chocolate, which takes place in Peru and Ecuador.
  • In order to make chocolate from the beans, you first have to roast them at around 130 degrees Fahrenheit for 20 minutes before taking them out and letting them cool down overnight.
  • This is followed by boiling the beans with water in order to remove the skin. After this step, you will notice there are two types of beans: fat ones full of cocoa butter and skinny ones that are dryer than the fat pods. The fat ones go into making “Criollo” or “Nacional” type chocolates and the dry ones go into making “Trinitaro” or “Piloncillo” type chocolate.
  • This is followed by fermenting the beans again in order to make them less bitter. The fermentation process itself takes around four hours, but it can vary depending on when you want your chocolate to be ready for consumption. 

Go Down A Water Slide In Brazil

One of the unique activities you can do for your next vacation is to go down a water slide in Brazil. You can either go to “Beach Park” or “Agua Park”, both of which are located on the east coast of Rio De Janeiro. Here, they have fast-flowing rapids, large hammocks, and bubbling pools filled with warm water to make sure you can enjoy yourself even more!

Go Wind Surfing In Argentina

One of the unique activities you can do for your next vacation is to go windsurfing in Argentina, one of the most picturesque areas surrounding Buenos Aires. Here you will be able to relax and unwind along with getting a workout out by going windsurfing. Moreover, it’s no ordinary beach here since this area is surrounded by sometimes snow-peaked mountains which make for an unforgettable experience! 

Visit A Volcano In Vanuatu

6 Unique Activities To Try On Your Next Vacation

Lastly, another unique activity you can do for your next vacation is to visit a volcano in Vanuatu. This island has one of the most beautiful volcanoes around the world, which are both active and still growing due to tectonic movement. So, if you’re looking for a unique experience that will also give you great pictures then this is it. 

So, if you want to try something different but fun during your summer vacation this year – consider trying out any one of these six different activities! Finally, remember that safety precautions should be adhered to at all times when participating in anything outside of normal daily life.

The post 6 Unique Activities To Try On Your Next Vacation appeared first on Travel Experta - Travel, Lifestyle, Freedom.

6 Unique Activities To Try On Your Next Vacation 6 Unique Activities To Try On Your Next Vacation 6 Unique Activities To Try On Your Next Vacation 6 Unique Activities To Try On Your Next Vacation 6 Unique Activities To Try On Your Next Vacation 6 Unique Activities To Try On Your Next Vacation 6 Unique Activities To Try On Your Next Vacation 6 Unique Activities To Try On Your Next Vacation 6 Unique Activities To Try On Your Next Vacation
6 Unique Activities To Try On Your Next Vacation


By: Marina Villatoro
Title: 6 Unique Activities To Try On Your Next Vacation
Sourced From: feedproxy.google.com/~r/TheTravelExperta/~3/_dfZHa_-4Xg/
Published Date: Fri, 08 Oct 2021 16:45:10 +0000

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