Why Content Marketing is the Only Marketing Left

Why Content Marketing is the Only Marketing Left

With more people using ad-blocking software to shut out unsolicited ads, the future looks bleak for marketers. But content marketing is the silver lining. And there are many reasons why the future is bright.

Traditional marketing relies on outbound systems. It’s about reaching out to consumers to interest them in your product. This approach subjects consumers to marketing messages they don’t want.

Content marketing is inbound. It’s about creating and sharing content that helps consumers achieve their goals without asking for anything in return. Who can say no to free help?

Consumers can now research their challenges online, increasing content’s value. When you share information that helps consumers live better, they will keep coming back for more. And when they need a product or service you deal in, they’ll naturally choose you over your competitors.

What’s the Purpose of Content Marketing?

The purpose of content marketing depends on the brand and where the consumer is in their customer journey. Here are some of the things content marketing does.

Gives Consumers Information They Need

The right content can help clarify a consumer’s thoughts so that they can make an informed decision. Regardless of the content type, the goal should be to feed your audience the information they need to get out of a jam or crush a milestone. Do this long enough, and your audience will see your brand as a source of truth.

Creates Brand Awareness

Content marketing increases your reach. Consistently sharing your knowledge and resources will improve awareness of your brand.

Some consumers of your content will share your posts with their family and friends. Some will share them on their social media channels and in their communities.

Brand awareness is your first step toward converting prospects because nobody buys from a brand they don’t know.

Generates Interest in Your Brand and Products

Many entrepreneurs expect the world to jump at their businesses when they launch. But your business won’t get traction if you don’t work to generate interest around it. Content marketing gives you the power to do that.

While sharing content that makes life better for your audience, find natural opportunities to show how your products or services will help them achieve their goals.

Inspires Audience Engagement

Once you start sharing valuable content on your blog, social media, or newsletter, responses will follow. While not everyone will agree with what you post, sharing your knowledge will engage your audience, which keeps your brand top of mind.

Increases Sales

Once your content marketing strategy and execution are effective, it’s only a matter of time before the attention you’re garnering starts translating into sales. The more people know and engage with your brand, the more value they’ll attach to your content, and the more likely they’ll be to buy from you.

Why is Content Marketing So Important?

Content marketing is vital to brands for various reasons, depending on your business’s needs and how you choose to use content. Here are some of the reasons content marketing is important for brands.

Customers Want It

Consumers are no longer satisfied with just sales-specific information. Traditional marketing gives the customers just enough information to get them to buy a product or service. Content marketing gives consumers the information they need to choose who to buy from and why. Customers want information that helps them make informed purchases.

Builds Trust and Loyalty

You don’t earn customer trust and loyalty by telling them how trustworthy you are. You need to show it with content that demonstrates your brand authority, trustworthiness, and subject-matter expertise. High-impact content takes customers from where they are to where they want to be. It informs, educates, and entertains them.

Creates Brand Awareness

Your prospective customers need to know your business exists for you to have a fighting chance at conversion. Content marketing is your chance to do that in a non-invasive way. Your brand personality and values will naturally shine through when you create content on topics relevant to your customers. That will give you more publicity.

Tells You About Your Audience

Content marketing sets you up to know more about your audience in new ways. First, you’d want to understand what, where, when, and how they consume information. Then, while sharing content, you’ll be able to know what your audience likes to read, listen to, or watch by analyzing your readership data. This information will help you understand their interests and empower you to improve your product.

Drives Traffic to Your Site Through SEO

Optimizing your blog content allows search engines (like Google) to find and serve your content to your audience. This aids search visibility.

A HubSpot survey found that businesses with SEO-optimized blog content get 55% more visitors, making their marketing team leaders 13 times more likely to achieve a good ROI.

Generates High-Intent Leads

Content serves up leads that are more likely to become paying customers. They don’t struggle to understand how your brand, its products, and its values fit into their lives. They already know because they’ve consumed your content. And content marketing enables you to write SEO-optimized bottom-of-the-funnel (BOFU) content that targets people ready to buy a product or service.

Affordable for Small Businesses

Content marketing is cheaper than paid ads. You can also get significant results even if you start small. Unlike paid advertising, which depends on how much money you can throw into it, content marketing levels the playing field.

Why is Content Marketing the Only Form of Marketing Left?

Today’s consumers are much more focused on themselves and what’s good and valuable to them. That’s why interruption tactics no longer work. The focus on information when, where, and how the customer wants it is just one reason content marketing is the only form of marketing left. There are some other reasons too.

Most Consumers Use Mobile Devices

Consumers call the shots, so the best marketing efforts must meet them where they are.

One in every five people spends more than 4.5 hours daily on their phones. Add that to their sleep and work hours, and you’ll see why people don’t have time for TV or other traditional media.

When people are on their phones, they aren’t looking to be marketed to. They’re looking for valuable content that helps them navigate their daily challenges.

Consumers Search and Shop Online

With the rise of digital media, consumers shop more online than ever before. They research the products they want to buy from the comfort of their homes. They avoid the stress of travel and people associated with brick-and-mortar stores and can make purchasing choices as they research every step.

Your Search Visibility and Traffic Depend on Content

Helpful content gets search engines to notice and present your website content to people looking for the products or services you provide. Be sure to balance the creative with the scientific. You need high-quality content to give your readers a good user experience. But you also need to optimize your content for search engines to serve it to those looking for it.

Millennials Are Tech-Reliant

Millennials (consumers born between 1981 and 1996) are the largest demographic, and they make most of their purchases online. These factors make it easy for content marketers to get their attention since content marketing relies on technology.

Trust is Increasingly Important

Consumers are overwhelmed with marketing messages. Your brand needs to stand out with content that earns their trust quickly. Because when it comes down to it, only brand trust and authority will separate your claims from those of a random brand. It will give your prospects a solid idea of what your product does and how it works, which will reduce their doubts.

Legacy Media are Becoming Obsolete

The rise of digital content has crippled traditional media. Audiences now prefer the convenience of consuming digital content over traditional media. And because attention is the currency in marketing, the money will go wherever the audience goes.

What are the Best Content Marketing Methods?

There are various content marketing methods, so the mix you use is up to you. It’s all about what works best for your brand and audience. But some methods seem important for every business to use on some level.

Content marketing methods that benefit most businesses are:

  • Websites. Websites are ideal for sharing information that helps your audience while informing them about your product or service and letting you buy directly from the site. Your website is part of your owned media, and the audience you build there is yours for as long as you want. As a distribution channel, websites can host all types of content — text, images, audio, and video, allowing you to share content that appeals to more people.
  • SEO-Optimized Blogs. Your potential and existing customers are looking for answers to their questions, and search engines have become their trusted sources of information. Consumers run 8.5 billion searches on Google alone every day. You will attract customers with SEO-optimized content.
  • Lead Magnets. Lead magnets are free resources potential customers can get in exchange for their contact information. Marketers use them to lure prospective customers into their email lists, where they can then nurture them into customers. Your lead magnet could be a tutorial, e-book, workbook, or industry report. In any case, be sure your lead magnet is specific, promises your audience a quick win, and solves a real problem for them.
  • Email. If you follow the “email is dead” bandwagon, you’ll miss out on the chance to earn $36 from every $1 you spend. Email is as alive as it gets. This content marketing method is particularly effective for lead nurturing. That’s because it allows you to send personalized emails directly to your audience’s inbox. This approach allows you to address their specific pain points and aspirations.


Content marketing results ultimately depend on your strategy, budget, and nature of business. But you can never go wrong with content marketing investments. Regardless of your industry, your existing and potential customers have loads of questions and challenges they need answers to on an ongoing basis. If your content can help them, they’ll grow to trust you, buy from you, and become loyal to your brand.

Why Content Marketing is the Only Marketing Left

The post Why Content Marketing is the Only Marketing Left appeared first on DigitalMarketer.

Frequently Asked Questions

What motivates entrepreneurs?

We are motivated by passion. However, we are driven by passion and a strong desire to create meaningful things that make a real difference. To make a difference for ourselves and our loved ones.

To give back. To give back. To leave a legacy.

We love it. We feel the need to live fully and achieve success in all aspects of life.

We are driven by a sense and purpose that cannot be satisfied with money alone.

Find a way for business to be enjoyable. This is where entrepreneurship becomes more than just a job; it is a lifestyle.

It is this passion that I have for helping entrepreneurs succeed. My goal, as an entrepreneur, is to enable them to reach financial freedom and leave a lasting legacy on the world.

My life is proof that creating value is the best thing. It's sharing your knowledge with the rest.

It's not enough to build a great product or service. To understand your customers and what their needs are, you need to first get to know them. They want what they need.

If you do, you'll always know how to improve your offering. And therefore, you'll always provide more value.

Customers will be more satisfied if you offer more value. Plus, more customers will mean more sales. Selling more products and services will result in more revenue. In the end, financial independence is possible if you are able to generate more revenue.

Money is not everything. It's the end in itself. It's not an end in itself.

It is not enough to focus on money if your goal is to live a full and happy life. It is important to make a positive difference. Contributing. Leaving a legacy. It is creating something of value. You create something unique. A unique thing that gives meaning to your and others lives.

Entrepreneurship requires risk-taking. However, this does not mean you should have any rules. It's about being flexible. Adapting. Adjusting. Improving.

As long as you stay true to yourself, keep your values intact and maintain integrity, you won't fail.

Entrepreneurship should be considered a calling. A vocation. A chance to make a difference. To create wealth. To shape history.

When you embrace all of these things, you will be the best version of yourself.

You will be unstoppable.

What are the advantages of an entrepreneurial mindset?

There are many benefits to being an entrepreneur. First, you can become independent. You stop relying on other people.

This makes you independent and free to pursue your dreams. It also helps you build relationships with other entrepreneurs because you share similar challenges and interests.

You gain confidence. You learn new things as an entrepreneur. This gives you the ability to adapt quickly and be flexible. This will allow you to think outside of the box and not get stuck in a rut.

Everybody can start their business without being bound by any rules or regulations. We can choose what we want and how we want it to go.

We have two options: follow the crowd, or fight it. We have the choice to be successful or unsuccessful. You can choose to win or fail.

It is exhilarating. It comes with a fair amount of responsibility. You are responsible for everything that happens in your business once you take on this role.

Learning to manage risk is key to success. You shouldn't be afraid of trying new things. If you're willing to try to learn from your mistakes, you'll eventually reach your goal.

These are some of the lessons you should keep in mind when embarking on your journey.


  • Entrepreneurship can be a way to live your life.
  • When you run your own business, you're the boss.
  • Be cautious about following the trends.
  • Success doesn't come in money; it comes in freedom.
  • You must balance your personal and work life.
  • Set clear expectations.
  • Always be truthful with your team.
  • Do something about it if you want things to happen.

What keeps you motivated as an entrepreneur?

The freedom to achieve my goals is what motivates me the most. We live in a world with limits on how much money we can earn and save, how much we can invest, purchase, consume, own or borrow. These limits do not apply to us. We are free to chase our dreams and make those dreams come true.

These limitations cannot be allowed to control us. If we do this, we lose sight that we are the masters and controllers of our destiny. We are the captains of our ships. We are the architects and creators of our lives.

My drive is to create wealth that surpasses my wildest imagination. To create businesses that surpass the limits of human potential. To build businesses that will change the way people live for ever.

To build more powerful businesses than any government and to be more influential than any religion.

That's why I'm here. I am determined to help entrepreneurs grow businesses faster than anyone else. Because when you succeed, everyone wins.

What are the 3 motivations behind an entrepreneur's success?

Entrepreneurs' three most important motivations are freedom, money, and knowledge.

  1. Freedom is the freedom to do what you want, whenever you want. When our lives or jobs are restricting us, we can become entrepreneurs.
  2. It is important to have money. Without it, we wouldn't even think about starting a business. Money is essential for survival.
  3. The third motivation is knowledge. Entrepreneurship requires that you continue learning. We read books, attend seminars, take courses online, and learn how products and services are created.

This is what drives us to succeed and achieve goals. It gives us purpose and meaning.

These three things are the reasons why we became entrepreneurs in the first place. They are the main drivers that keep us going day after day.

These three things might be the reason we pack up and leave. These three essentials are what will make us truly happy.

How to motivate yourself as an entrepreneur

The best way to motivate yourself is to find someone else who is motivated to do what you are trying to do. Ask someone who has worked hard towards achieving his goals to tell you how he did it.

Ask for advice, listen to others, and then, most importantly, do it. If you find someone who is successful, emulate them.

To be that person, do everything you can. Learn from them. Take their lead. Follow their example.

Keep pushing forward. Keep moving. Never stop learning. Never give up.

Don't listen to anyone who tells you you are incapable. You don't have to believe that there is no way.

You might fail, but it doesn't necessarily mean that you have failed. Failure is an opportunity to grow stronger. To learn more. To push harder.

Failure is only another step on your journey to success.

Let's get started! Do something today that will get you closer to your goal.

What are you waiting to do?

What are the top five motivators in an entrepreneur?

Motivation is key to success. It is the key to success. We wouldn't exist without it.

Motivational psychology examines how motivation affects human behavior. Motivation can make us do amazing things. It is also evident that our motivation is limited.

The five most important motivational factors are:

  1. Autonomy – The freedom of choice
  2. Mastery - the ability to master skills
  3. Purpose - The sense of purpose
  4. Relatedness - The feeling of belonging
  5. Reciprocity - the desire to give back

These motivators may seem like they could be used to motivate your business. However, each perspective is a little different about why people do what they do.

An individual may seek autonomy to be able to choose his own path. Perhaps he is seeking mastery to improve his job.

And so on. These are just a few of the possible motivations. There are countless others. Which ones might be relevant for your situation? All of that depends on you.

To help you find out, I suggest writing three words that describe your ideal environment at work. Next, take these words and apply them in your current work environment.

If you struggle to come up with ideas, simply ask yourself why are you doing this. If you can't think of any ideas, ask yourself: "Why am I doing this?" This will help identify your goals.

Once you have a clear vision of your goals, you can start to see where you are right now. You can use that information to determine if it is time for you to make changes.

If you don't want to change anything, then it's time to evaluate your options.

You need to think about motivating yourself if you want to improve your life.

Which of the motivators listed above will prove to be most effective for you? It is difficult to know. Instead of focusing only on one factor, consider all five.

This will allow you to achieve your ultimate goal, becoming a successful entrepreneur.


  • “Effective communication is 20% what you know and 80% how you feel about what you know. (americanexpress.com)
  • According to analysts, Johnson has high appeal in all four quadrants tracked at the multiplex: male, female, over-25 and under-25. (forbes.com)
  • “If you look to lead, invest at least 40% of your time managing yourself – your ethics, character, principles, purpose, motivation, and conduct. (americanexpress.com)
  • Our 10 years of research also shows that 75% of mentored entrepreneurs increased their revenue, and 82% of their businesses survived the first two years. (carolroth.com)
  • "Most of the time when people ask me about motivation, 80 percent of the time, I attribute it to gratitude. (entrepreneur.com)

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How To

How can I keep my motivation high when starting a new business?

You must focus on creating an income stream if you want to make online money. This is how you can generate steady revenue through your website.

It is easy to solve customers' problems by creating products. But how do these products get created? Here's the fun part.

There are two ways to approach product creation. The other is to create a great product idea and spend hours perfecting the idea. This is probably the best approach.

There is another way. It's possible to simply ask, "What problem are I trying solve?" Find a solution to your problem by asking yourself the following questions.

This is the "find a problem" method. The find-a-problem technique will likely reveal a problem that isn’t being solved at any other site.

Once you find the problem you need to solve, you can decide whether you want to do so. The following questions will help you answer the most basic of these questions:

  1. Does it make sense?
  2. Are you able to solve it
  3. Will it make a difference?

If you can answer yes to all three questions, then you have the basis of a successful product. The next step is to determine how to package it.

A lack of a strategy for generating recurring revenues is the reason that most businesses fail. It is easier to continue working after you have exhausted all your ideas.

You may also find that you have more ideas than time to implement them all. In this case, you can delegate tasks to other members of your team (or hire freelancers).

You can stay motivated as long you grow your income stream.

Don't forget to be patient and work hard. You can accomplish anything if your willing to do so. Why wait? Start today!