Unlocking the Secrets to Recruiting and Retaining Top Talent in Your Agency

Unlocking the Secrets to Recruiting and Retaining Top Talent in Your Agency

They say employees are a company’s greatest asset, and it’s just as true for marketing agencies as any other business. The right team can help prove your agency’s quality, credibility, and competency to potential clients. So, it just makes sense that you want to find qualified candidates and, more importantly, ensure they’re in it for the long haul.

Unfortunately, it’s easier said than done. Chances are, you’ve experienced this firsthand. Maybe you’ve lost one of your most talented employees or been disappointed by a lack of interest from candidates. Whatever the case, it’s worth looking at why this is and how you can change your approach for greater success.

Why Finding and Keeping Qualified Candidates Is Tough

There are many reasons marketing agencies struggle to find qualified candidates and retain them. The two biggest factors are as follows:

  1. Competition in the labor market
  2. Employee expectations

For starters, consider the competition in the labor market. There are more than 14,000 marketing and advertising agencies in the U.S. alone. And according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, marketing job demand is expected to increase 10% by 2026. However, there’s a limited pool of candidates willing and able to perform at the desired level.

We’re all looking for a specific type of professional, right? At a minimum, the ideal team member is knowledgeable about marketing, has skills in one or more areas, and possesses the right attitude for success. A person with these traits who cares about helping clients grow is a hot commodity. Every agency that’s hiring wants them!

Unlocking the Secrets to Recruiting and Retaining Top Talent in Your Agency

In short, the competition is fierce. Your competitors are trying to attract the same high-quality candidates as you are. So, you have to work extra hard to stand out and encourage them to apply for a position at your agency. And if you manage to bring them on board, you need to prove their decision was the right one. After all, there’s no shortage of options available to them.

But that’s not the hurdle you have to overcome…

There’s also the fact that the wants and needs of today’s marketing professionals (and workers in general) have changed.

For instance, employee expectations include more than just a salary reflecting their value. People are looking for things like…

  • Positive work culture
  • Recognition
  • Flexibility
  • Transparency
  • Respect
  • Purpose

Unfortunately, these are things that many agencies neglect to highlight when recruiting—or worse, fail to deliver in the workplace. And in the second scenario, it leads to great talent leaving for other opportunities. In fact, 2022 showed 62% of professionals considering a job change.

To say that finding strong, qualified candidates and holding on to them is a challenge would be an understatement. But here’s the good news—it’s not impossible. It’s just a matter of changing your approach, putting your marketing skills to good use, and offering value to your team.

Let’s start with recruiting…

5 Tips to Find Qualified Candidates for Your Agency

As marketers, we’re always looking for ways to level up and do better for our clients. And the same should apply to the recruitment process. If you’re having a hard time sourcing and inviting top talent to work for your agency, you need to make some improvements.

With that said, here are five tips you can use to find qualified candidates:

  1. Create True Job Descriptions.

Unlocking the Secrets to Recruiting and Retaining Top Talent in Your Agency

A job description is just that—a description of a job. Yet, most marketing agencies (and businesses in general) get this wrong. If you’re trying to build a solid digital marketing team, you probably have a lengthy list of requirements for the ideal candidate.

But that’s not explaining the job, is it?

Jason Weseman, Certified Business Coach at FocalPoint Consulting, put it best during a workshop hosted by Viral Solutions: “A job description should define the work that needs to be performed, not the skills needed to do the work.”

To explain why this is so important, Weseman went on to say, “You can find people that meet your exact description—your requirements, your skills, your experience—that couldn’t do the work.”

Plus, if you’re strict with your criteria, you could miss on great talent. For example, research has shown that women only apply to jobs if they’re 100% qualified.

So, focus on outlining what the job entails rather than what characteristics you’re looking for in a candidate.

  1. Brand the Job, Not Your Agency.

As marketers, we’re no strangers to branding. And we all know how vital employer branding is. But a common mistake agencies make when trying to find suitable candidates is not branding a job.

According to Weseman, “Top talent already knows about their competition. They know about other companies in their space… What they need to be sold on is the job itself.”

So, in each job description you write, focus on answering the following questions:

  • What can they do?
  • What can they become?
  • What does success look like?
  • What does the future hold?

Brand the job by explaining how it will benefit them and make life better. Use storytelling to take them on a journey!

  1. Spread the Word Wide.

When you have written your job description and are ready to look for candidates, spread the word wide. Go beyond popular platforms such as LinkedIn, Monster, Glassdoor, and Indeed. Consider posting the position on marketing-specific sites like MarketingHire, the American Marketing Association, and Digital Agency Network.

Unlocking the Secrets to Recruiting and Retaining Top Talent in Your Agency

And don’t forget about the other resources you have available! You can post about the job on your social media channels and encourage current employees to refer qualified candidates they may know.

  1. Don’t Ignore the Passive Market.

To find qualified candidates to join your team, Weseman also recommends looking at the passive market.

What does that mean?

It means considering those who aren’t actively searching for a new job.

This gives you a wider pool of potential candidates. More importantly, it gives you a wider pool of top talent, as they likely have the knowledge, skills, and attitude you’re looking for. After all, another agency hired them!

The key to convincing someone to change jobs (apart from making sure they see your opening) is to show that a position at your agency can offer more. A career move needs to provide a 30% nonmonetary increase. That includes job growth, job stretch, and job satisfaction.

By proving that a talented marketing professional can have greater opportunities, a bigger impact, and higher satisfaction with your agency, you can reach more exceptional candidates.

Unlocking the Secrets to Recruiting and Retaining Top Talent in Your Agency

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  1. Rethink Your Interviews.

The last tip for finding good candidates is to rethink your interviews. (This is another nugget of wisdom from Weseman.) You’ll have a better chance of filling an open slot with the perfect person if you…

  • Ask the right questions.

“What is your biggest accomplishment?” is the most critical and effective interview question you can ask. It gives insight into what a candidate views as an accomplishment and helps you see if they’d be a good fit. If their answer is irrelevant to the position or doesn’t align with your agency’s goals, they’re probably not the right choice.

  • Wait to make a final decision.

People come to an interview as the best version of themselves, so first impressions aren’t always reliable. That’s why Weseman recommends waiting 30 minutes. If you love them after three minutes, give them tougher questions for the remaining 27. If you’re unsure after three minutes, give them easier questions for the rest of the interview.

How to Retain Good Marketing Talent After Hiring

Finding qualified candidates is one thing, but retaining them is another. And it’s arguably more important! When a team member leaves, you miss out on everything they bring to the table. Plus, it can cost you—big time. Replacing a salaried employee costs an average of 6-9 months’ salary.

So, what can you do to retain good marketing talent once you’ve brought them on board?

  • Offer training opportunities.

Great team members strive to learn and grow in their careers. That’s why you should offer training opportunities to enhance their knowledge and skills. Ask what they want to do better or take a deeper dive into. Then, source appropriate training for them.

  • Create a healthy company culture.

Fostering a healthy company culture can go a long way in retaining team members long term. It can boost satisfaction and keep employees engaged. So, make sure your culture passes the test by prioritizing wellness, promoting diversity and inclusion, being transparent, and ensuring everyone aligns with the agency’s values.

Unlocking the Secrets to Recruiting and Retaining Top Talent in Your Agency
  • Commit to job advancement.

If you’ve promised a candidate that your agency can provide them with job advancement, commit to it. Give them a chance to move up the ladder once they’ve shown they’re capable. Having the option for vertical career growth will increase the chances they stay on. Plus, it proves you stay true to your word.

  • Reevaluate to stay competitive.

Put in the effort to show your agency is one of the best to work for.


Reevaluate what you offer your team members every so often. In addition to compensation and benefits, look at the perks other agencies provide their teams. Even giving increased flexibility by allowing team members to work from home can be seen as an advantage.

  • Prioritize employee recognition.

Team members need to feel valued, which is why you should make it a point to recognize and reward their hard work. How you do this is up to you. It could be as simple as congratulating someone on a project completed without a hitch or setting up a bonus program for hitting set goals.

In Summary

If you’re struggling to find qualified candidates to work at your agency and stay on for years, you need to change things up. We tell our clients it’s not about them, and the same goes for us! Show how a particular job can benefit a potential candidate, and don’t forget to deliver on your promises. That way, you can build the strongest team possible and position your agency for success.


The post Unlocking the Secrets to Recruiting and Retaining Top Talent in Your Agency appeared first on DigitalMarketer.

Frequently Asked Questions

These are the 6 most important questions to ask entrepreneurs.

Motivation is the key ingredient to any business. Without motivation, you won't make it out of bed each day. You won't be able to complete projects if you don't have motivation. Without motivation, it's impossible to reach your goals. How can we find our motivation?

You may wonder, "What motivates my mind?" You might be surprised at the answer. Perhaps you have been asking this question for years. This question is one of life's most rewarding rewards. It allows you to uncover your motivation.

It's the most motivating thing to discover why you are here. This is when you realize what drives your actions. You will find your purpose clearer and more meaningful. What is your purpose? You'll be more motivated if you can figure this out.

To find your motivation, you must look within. Ask yourself these questions:

  1. What are my passions and interests?
  2. What makes my heart beat more quickly?
  3. What lights me up inside?
  4. What gives me butterflies?
  5. What makes you feel alive to me?
  6. What keeps you coming back to your projects again and again?

Once you know your answers, you'll be able to identify your true motivations.

You can find your motivation to get through tough times. It will give you strength when you need it. It will make you work harder. It will push you to achieve success.

And if you're like me, you'll never stop wanting to know what your motivation is.

So, take some time today to think about what really motivates you. You may be surprised at the results.

What keeps an entrepreneur motivated?

Freedom to pursue my goals is my biggest motivator. There are limitations on how much people can earn, save and invest, buy, borrow, rent or drive, eat, sleep, play, and fly in this world. These limits do not apply to us. We have the freedom to follow our dreams and make them a reality.

But we cannot let ourselves become enslaved by these limitations. We lose sight of the fact we are in control of our destiny if we do. We are the captains for our ships. We are the architects to our lives.

I am driven by the desire to create wealth beyond my wildest imagination. To create businesses that surpass the limits of human potential. To create businesses that make a difference in the lives of everyone.

To create stronger businesses than any governments, more influential as any religion, and longer lasting than time.

That's why you're here. I am determined to help entrepreneurs grow businesses faster than anyone else. Because when you succeed everyone wins.

How can entrepreneurs motivate their employees to do well?

Motivation can come anyplace. It doesn't matter from where motivation comes, as long as it inspires people to take action. Motivation is essential for any business, no matter how it comes in the form of a carrot or stick approach.

A motivated employee is more likely to be productive and happy. For a team that performs well, provide them with the tools they need to feel empowered.

You have to give them a sense of belonging. It should be a place they can learn and grow. Where they can contribute ideas without fear of punishment.

It is important to create a culture within your company that encourages employees to flourish and be successful. That's how you keep your most talented employees happy, satisfied, and productive.

To maintain a positive culture, you must reward the people who make it happen. This can include bonuses when goals are achieved, training opportunities, raising pay raises, and providing perks like insurance.

Communication and clear direction are essential. Everyone should know what's expected of him and why.

Make sure that your policies and procedures have been written down. Ensure that someone is responsible for ensuring they are followed.

And most importantly, communicate frequently. Keep your team up to date about what's happening within the company. Let your team know about what's happening.

Communication is vital,, and looking after your team is the best way to ensure you stay ahead of the competition. They'll take care of you.

Without a great relationship with your employees, you could lose a lot of money. Research shows that employees who are engaged with their work have higher productivity and profitability than those who struggle for top performers.

It's important to remember that not all employees are willing to work at an equal pace. Some prefer working independently, while others like to collaborate. There are many motivational methods that can be used to motivate people. It's up you to choose the one that works best for you.

Some may be more inclined to accept recognition than others. Whatever works for you, ensure it aligns with the company's goals.

As the leader, you are responsible for setting the tone. Open-minded. Listen to your teammates. Don't forget to listen.

What are the motivations of entrepreneurs?

Entrepreneurs can choose from three types of motivation. Each type of motivation has its strengths and weaknesses.

External motivation is the most popular form of motivation. This motivates people to earn more. This motivation often stems from financial concerns.

External motivation is driven by personal interest, ambition, and desire. This type of motivation leads to people who are extremely goal-oriented.

The rarest form of internal motivation is the one that's more common. People who have internal motivation don't seek wealth. Instead they pursue other goals such self-development, fulfillment, and service.

People who have internal motivation are often called "passionate" as they find fulfillment in their work.

Intuition is the most common type of motivation. Intrinsic motivation refers to individuals who derive enjoyment and satisfaction from working toward a particular goal.

The intrinsic motivation of a person is more powerful than the external or internal motivation.

It comes from the inside. It is based upon the belief that certain talents and abilities are inherent in people. These abilities and talents allow them to achieve things that no one else could.

It is satisfying and fulfilling to realize our potential and talents. It makes us feel that we are doing valuable work.

In simple words, intrinsic motivation makes us feel happy. It is knowing we can do anything we put our mind to. This makes us happy.

This feeling of accomplishment keeps you going no matter what the circumstances are.

It's a fact that if you don’t love what you’re doing, then it's not worth doing.

Click here to learn more about the motivation of entrepreneurs.

What is it that makes an entrepreneur successful?

There are two types of entrepreneurs; those who make money and those who make time.

What makes them different is their approach to business. The difference between them is how they approach their business. Those who make more money are focused on making more money, while those who make more time are more focused on making more.

People who make money are motivated by financial freedom. Their goal is to become rich and stay rich.

They are driven by greed and fear. They don't care about the long-term because they know they will have a happy life after they achieve their goals.

This type of person is often referred to as a hustler. They are focused on the bottom line and seek ways to increase revenue, without regard for quality.

Some people have the ability to make it work. These entrepreneurs are driven and passionate. They are driven by passion to create something lasting and meaningful.

Their motivation is altruistic. They want to do great works. They care about making products and services that make a difference.

These people are often called dreamers. They are motivated by vision and inspiration. They are aware that success is hard work, persistence and dedication.

These entrepreneurs are also creative. These entrepreneurs are always searching for new opportunities.

They thrive on the unknown. They are happy to spend hours researching a topic of interest. They love to learn new things and are open to new ideas.

They are able to adapt to changes easily. They don't mind getting dirty or doing whatever it takes to win. They won't accept mediocrity.

So which type of entrepreneur are you? Do you have a burning desire to make money or a burning desire for meaning?

If you answered yes to both questions, then congratulations! You are a successful businessman.

I've met many successful entrepreneurs over the years and noticed one common trait among them: they were driven by passion.

Financial wealth is not the only measure of success for entrepreneurs. The impact defines them they leave behind.

Steve Jobs, who was not rich but well-known for his philanthropic efforts, is an example. He was only in his mid-40s when he bought his first house.

His ability and creativity to create products that transformed the world made him wealthy. And this is what makes him unique.

It's not your job to build wealth. It's not about building empires and amassing power.

Your job involves building relationships with customers. To build trust. To support others.

To have a positive impact. Your legacy. This is not your bank account.

And if you're ready to start building a legacy that matters, let's talk.

Social Media University shows you how to create passive income online. How to market your business and make it grow automatically.

What is your best motivation in life?

Do you want to know my top motivations? Let me tell you. To help others feel better about themselves is my greatest motivation. To help them see that they are extraordinary, because they are. That they are worthy to be loved, because they are.

That they deserve happiness, because they do.

I'm here reminding people that being happy about yourself is the most important thing. Nothing. And I will do everything in my power to change the world.

Because when we feel good about ourselves, we become more open minded and compassionate towards those around us. It's a great thing to stop judging others based on superficiality. Instead, we start to see the person inside.

To motivate someone, it is important to let them know that they already have all they need.

It may be something they didn't realize, but it's why they've been struggling for so long with something. They knew deep down that they could heal themselves.

They needed the right environment. The right support system. And the right mindset. This was something they somehow lost sight.

Why did they lose sight? Because they were too busy trying figure out what the problem was. Trying desperately to fix it, without realizing that they actually had all the tools they needed to solve it.

They didn't realize they were the ones who had the answer.

This is why I remind you that you can create something entirely new. It is easy to tap into your inner genius.

Everything will come together once you do this. You will be amazed at the ease it takes to fulfill your dreams.

You see, I believe that every single human being has access to their own unique superpower.

Only we have to know how to use it.


  • I shifted my motivational point from something huge (and undefined) to improve by just 1% each day. (carolroth.com)
  • "If you improve by just 1% every single day, in several months, you will have improved by 100%. (carolroth.com)
  • “Effective communication is 20% what you know and 80% how you feel about what you know. (americanexpress.com)
  • "Most of the time when people ask me about motivation, 80 percent of the time, I attribute it to gratitude. (entrepreneur.com)
  • “Life is 10% what happens to you and 90% how you react to it.” (oberlo.com)

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How To

These are 10 ways you can motivate your employees

Motivating your employees is one of the most difficult things you'll ever do. It requires patience, perseverance. sacrifices, and effort. You need to know how to motivate people so that they work hard.

If you don’t understand the motivations of someone, it will be difficult to get them/her motivated. If you don’t know what motivates someone to change, then you cannot help him/her. This article will teach you how to motivate employees through a variety methods.

1. Give them the feeling of importance - This is one of the best methods to motivate your employees. They will feel special and valued when they have this feeling. They should feel that they are doing good work and that their efforts make a difference.

2. Give them recognition - People appreciate being acknowledged. People are more happy if they are given recognition. So, if you want to motivate your employees, ensure you recognize them from time to time.

3. Respect Others - It is an essential component of any relationship. Respecting your partner is key to motivating them. Respecting others is a way to show that you value them.

4. Encourage them to be open with you -Openness can also help motivate people. You encourage employees to share information and encourage them learning new things. And when they learn new things, they feel happy and proud.

5. Reward people for doing good work. This encourages them and motivates them to continue working hard. However, before rewarding someone, be sure to assess if they did an excellent job.

6. Setting clear goals - Giving your employees something to strive for will help them be more motivated. They will be more productive if they have a goal.

7. Tell them what's happening - You might think that telling employees the details of your company's plans is a waste of time. It's an effective way to motivate your employees. They will be able to identify the next focus by learning about the company's plans.

8. Give feedback - Feedback is a great way to increase employee morale. Although giving feedback can take some time, it is worthwhile.

9. You can motivate your employees by letting them know the name of their boss. If they are aware of their boss, they will know where to find them if they have any questions.

10. Ask For Help - Finally, asking for help is yet another way to motivate your employees. If you ask your employees for help, they will know that they can depend on you. They know you care and that you trust them.