How to Write YouTube Titles for SEO

How to Write YouTube Titles for SEO

Creating a video is a creative process which involves a lot of brainstorming, editing and producing. But the success of your video does not 100% rely on the quality or originality of that video.

Whether your video is going to be a success is determined by how many people will be able to find it and watch it.

Don’t underestimate the discoverability of your video. It may make or break your whole video marketing strategy performance.

One of the biggest channels that can drive findability of your video is search engine optimization, i.e. optimizing your video page for it to rank in search engines (mainly Google and Youtube search) for relevant keywords.

And one of the most important SEO elements of any page is its title.

What is a Youtube title?

“Title” is what you see on the browser tab when you open any Youtube page:

How to Write YouTube Titles for SEO

It is controlled by the “Title” field which is required when you upload your video to Youtube:

How to Write YouTube Titles for SEO

In the code of the page the title can be found within <title></title> tags.

How to Write YouTube Titles for SEO

On a Youtube video page, the title is also repeated underneath the video as the main heading making it also an on-page SEO element.

Youtube allows you to enter up to 100 characters to the title field and I recommend making the most of those 100 characters.

How can titles impact the findability of your video?

Page titles are key on-page SEO elements because they do both:

  • Page titles are direct ranking factors (Google uses them to understand what the page is about)
  • Page titles impact click-through by being the most visible parts of standard search snippets.

In that respect, Youtube SEO is not much different from any other types of SEO. The only slight difference is Youtube videos also get an additional section in organic results which you can target: Page titles are also included next to video thumbnails in video carousels:

How to Write YouTube Titles for SEO

Since titles are so important for your video findability and clickability, spend some extra time brainstorming effective video titles. Here are a few ideas:

How to create an effective Youtube title

1. Include your keyword

This is important in the context of this article. Keywords are still very important for SEO because they still help search engines understand the main topic of your page.

Keyword research is also a great way to estimate a demand for any topic (by looking at the search volume).

Identifying your main keyword and including it into the page title will help that video page rank for that keyword driving views for your video and generating additional brand visibility to your business. There are lots of tools and plugins allowing you to identify your target keywords.

It is a good idea to grab URLs of your competing videos and run them through this SEO Content Checker to identify their keyword usage and learn from that:

How to Write YouTube Titles for SEO

2. Make it sound interesting

I know it sounds obvious but there are too many boring video titles for me not to mention it.

Your video title needs to invite a click, so make sure it is interesting enough to invite one.

I realize it sounds easier than it really is and in many cases it is also highly subjective. But there’s a tool to help.

Using ChatGPT will help you find some ideas, in case you are stuck. Here’s what the tool was able to generate when I requested the following “Generate video title ideas that will include “Youtube marketing” keyword. Make those titles sound intriguing:”

How to Write YouTube Titles for SEO

There are quite a few pretty nice ones. If you don’t like what the tool suggested, keep asking it for more, changing your request just a bit to make it think harder.

This tool is great but make sure to pick a title that won’t over-promise. There’s a fine line between “intriguing” and “click-baiting.” Try and avoid the latter as it may reflect badly on your branding strategies.

3. Include numbers

Including a number in your page title has proven to be an effective way to get more people to click it. Click-through is likely to be an (indirect) ranking factor, so if more people click your title, there’s a good chance it will rank higher.

You cannot make each of your videos a listicle though, so you won’t be able to use this trick in each of your Youtube titles. But it is a good format to keep in mind and use from time to time.

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4. Mention a brand (if there’s one to mention)

Finally, if your video is about a well-known brand (for example, if that video is of you speaking at an event) or, more importantly, if you create it in collaboration with a well-known expert and/or influencer, include that name in your title.

Not only will it help your video rank for that searchable name, it will also increase its click-though thanks to people recognizing that name.

Youtube also allows you to tag that name in the title (much like tagging works on Twitter or Facebook). If you add @ and then start typing that name, Youtube will allow you to select that name from the drop-down (if that brand or person has a Youtube channel). This will notify them on the mention and urge them to engage with the video helping its visibility:

How to Write YouTube Titles for SEO

No need to include your brand name though (unless that video is all about you or your company). If you pick your Youtube name well, it will help you build your brand’s recognizability with every high-ranking video because the channel name is always included in search snippets.

Keep a close eye on your results

Finally, creating an effective title is something that you can never do perfectly. There’s always room for improvement and experimentation. Learn from other well-performing videos in your or outside your niche and never stop experimenting.

Monitor video carousels for your important keywords to get notified when a new video succeeds in getting there and not what may have brought them that success. There are SEO monitoring tools that can help you with that task:

How to Write YouTube Titles for SEO

Additionally, keep a close eye on your Youtube analytics to monitor keywords that generate views from Youtube search and learn from those results:

How to Write YouTube Titles for SEO


You spend hours creating your video. It deserves a good title which will help your video get found. Spend some time brainstorming an effective title, experiment with different formats and measure your success. Good luck!


The post How to Write YouTube Titles for SEO appeared first on DigitalMarketer.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the 3 motivations of an entrepreneur?

Entrepreneurs' three greatest motivations are freedom and money.

  1. Freedom means having the ability to do whatever you want whenever you want. This is why we are entrepreneurs even if our current job or situation restricts us.
  2. Because we cannot start a business without money, it is equally important that we have enough money. While we can survive on food, water, shelter and money, it is not possible to make ends meet without money.
  3. But the third motivation is knowledge. Entrepreneurship requires that you continue learning. We read books, attend seminars, take courses online, and learn how products and services are created.

This is what motivates and drives us to reach our goals. It gives purpose and meaning to our lives.

These three factors are what made us entrepreneurs. These are the driving forces that keep us going every day.

If we don't have these three things, we may pack up our bags and head home. These three essentials are what will make us truly happy.

How can entrepreneurs motivate their employees to do well?

Motivation can come anywhere. It doesn't matter where it comes from, just make sure it motivates them to action. No matter what approach you choose, motivation is crucial for any business.

Employees are more motivated if they feel happy. This makes them more likely to do their best. If you want a team that performs better, give them the tools to feel empowered and engaged.

It is important to make sure they feel valued. You need to create a place where they feel safe and respected. You can let them share your ideas and not fear of punishment.

It is important to create a culture within your company that encourages employees to flourish and be successful. It's how to keep your best employees happy, loyal, and productive.

To maintain the culture, you need to reward those behaviors that help you succeed. This could include giving bonuses for reaching goals, offering training opportunities and providing perks, such as health insurance.

You also need to provide clear direction and communication. Everyone should know what's expected of him and why.

Make sure you have written policies and procedures. Make sure there's someone responsible for making sure they're followed.

Communication is essential. Keep your team updated about what's happening in the organization. Let your team know what's new and what's up.

Communication is crucial, and it is important to look after your team. They will take great care of you.

You could end up spending a lot of money if your employees don't get along well. Studies have shown that companies with high employee engagement score higher in productivity and profitability than those struggling to retain their top performers.

It's important to understand that not every employee wants to work at the same pace as others. Some prefer working on their own, while others prefer collaboration. There are many motivational methods that can be used to motivate people. It's up you to choose the one that works best for you.

Some people may be more responsive to rewards than others, and some might prefer recognition. Whatever works for your company, ensure that it is consistent with its goals.

Ultimately, it's up to you as the leader to set the tone. Open-minded. Listen to the team. You have to listen to your team if you want it done right.

What are the advantages of an entrepreneurial mindset?

Entrepreneurship has many advantages. You become more independent. You stop relying on other people.

You can be independent and pursue your dreams. You can also build relationships with other entrepreneurs, as you share the same challenges and interests.

You gain confidence. You're constantly learning new things as an entrepreneur. This gives you the ability to adapt quickly and be flexible. This will allow you to think outside of the box and not get stuck in a rut.

Everybody can start their business without being bound by any rules or regulations. We are free to choose what we do and how we live.

We can choose to follow the crowd or go against it. We have the option to choose success or failure. We can choose to fail or win.

It is exhilarating. It comes with a fair amount of responsibility. Because you will be responsible for all that happens within your company when you assume this role.

To succeed, you have to learn to manage risks. Try new things. If you are willing and able to learn from your failures, you will eventually reach your goals.

Keep these points in mind as you begin your journey.


  • Entrepreneurship is a lifestyle choice.
  • You are the boss when you own your business.
  • Be cautious about following the trends.
  • Not success is measured in money, but in freedom.
  • It is important to find a balance between your personal and professional lives.
  • Set clear expectations.
  • Always be sincere with your team.
  • Do something about it if you want things to happen.

How to motivate yourself as an entrepreneurial leader?

To motivate yourself, find someone who is also motivated to do what your goal is. Ask someone who is working hard for his goals about how they did it.

Ask for advice, listen to others, and then, most importantly, do it. Look up successful people to emulate.

Do what it takes to be that person. Learn from them. Take their notes. Follow their lead.

Keep moving. Keep moving. Never stop learning. Never give up.

Don't listen to anyone who tells you you are incapable. Do not let anyone tell your that you aren't capable of following a specific path.

You may fail, but that doesn't mean you've failed. Failure is an opportunity to grow stronger. To learn more. To push harder.

Failure is only another step on your journey to success.

Start today. Do something today that will get you closer to your goal.

Why wait?

What makes a successful entrepreneur?

There are two types of entrepreneurs; those who make money and those who make time.

They approach their business differently. That is what makes them different. People who make money want to make more money. While people who make time want to make more, they are more focused on making money.

People who make money are motivated by financial freedom. Their goal is to become rich and stay rich.

They are motivated by greed and fear. They don't really care about the longer term, as they know that their goal will bring them joy.

This type is often called a hustler. They have a focus on the bottom and are able to find ways of increasing revenue without regard to quality.

Some people have the ability to make it work. These entrepreneurs are driven and passionate. They are driven by passion to create something lasting and meaningful.

They are motivated by altruism. They are motivated to do great work. They care about creating products and services that matter.

These people are known as dreamers. They are driven to achieve their goals through vision and inspiration. They know success requires perseverance, hard work and dedication.

They are creative, which is the most important attribute of these entrepreneurs. They are constantly seeking out opportunities that haven't been done before.

They thrive on the unknown. They are open to spending hours researching new topics. They enjoy learning new things and are open-minded to exploring new ideas.

They can also adapt easily to change. They will take on any challenge and get dirty. The only thing they won't tolerate is mediocrity.

So which type of entrepreneur are you? Are you driven to make money, or are you motivated to find meaning?

If you answered yes to both questions, then congratulations! You are a successful entrepreneur.

Over the years I have had the opportunity to meet many successful entrepreneurs. What struck me most was their passion for what they do.

Successful entrepreneurs aren't defined by monetary wealth alone. The impact defines them they leave behind.

Steve Jobs, who was not rich but well-known for his philanthropic efforts, is an example. He didn't own a house until his mid-40s.

His ability to create products that have changed the world was what gave him his wealth. This is what makes him unique.

Your job isn't to accumulate wealth. It's not about building empires and amassing power.

Your job is to establish relationships with customers, partners, and other people. To build trust. To assist others in achieving their goals.

To make an impact. That's your legacy. That's your legacy.

If you are interested in building a legacy that is meaningful, let's get started.

Here at Social Media University, we'll show you how to earn passive income online. We will teach you how to market and grow your business.

Why is motivation important to an entrepreneur?

When we feel lost or stuck, motivation is what propels us forward. It gives us the strength to face our fears and make decisions that might seem risky or impossible.

Motivation is also an important factor in achieving success. If we lack motivation, it can lead to being unmotivated, lazy, unproductive, and eventually, unsuccessful.

To unlock your potential, you must find ways to motivate. This means finding a way to stay motivated throughout the day.

It is like a muscle. The more you work it, the stronger it will become. It begins to weaken and atrophy when it isn't exercised.

The most successful entrepreneurs are self motivated. They set goals, plan their progress, and then follow through.

However, there will be times when motivation is needed. Here are three easy steps to keep you going.

Step 1) Get inspired. Find someone who inspires and motivates you. Someone who is already achieving the things you dream of.

Step 2: Set small goals. Make sure each goal is achievable. The next step is more important than the end result. By breaking big goals down into smaller ones, you'll be able to reach them faster.

Step 3: Reward yourself. Give yourself rewards when you've completed your goals. You don't need a reward to be material. It could be as simple as taking the time to do something that you enjoy.

Remember that motivation is a choice. Choose to be happy, to be successful, to live a fulfilled life.

Start today if you are ready to make a change in your life. Start by deciding to change. Then take action. You can start living the life of your dreams now.


  • Invest at least 30% managing those with authority over you and 15% managing your peers.” (
  • “If you look to lead, invest at least 40% of your time managing yourself – your ethics, character, principles, purpose, motivation, and conduct. (
  • That means for $150,000, you could have bought 10 percent of Airbnb." (
  • I shifted my motivational point from something huge (and undefined) to improve by just 1% each day. (
  • "If you improve by just 1% every single day, in several months, you will have improved by 100%. (

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How To

Here are 10 ways to motivate employees

Motivating employees can be one of the most challenging things you'll ever have to do. This requires patience, perseverance, sacrifice, effort, and a lot of effort. It is important to understand how to motivate people to work hard.

If you don’t know what motivates someone you won’t be able get them/her to do anything. If you don't understand why your employee is motivated to make changes, you will not be able help him/her. This article will explain how to motivate your employee using different methods.

1. You can motivate employees by making them feel important. They will feel special and valued when they have this feeling. They should be able to believe that their efforts are being recognized and appreciated.

2. Give them recognition - People appreciate being acknowledged. The happier they feel, the more recognition they receive. So, if you want to motivate your employees, ensure you recognize them from time to time.

3. Show Them Respect -Respect is an important part of any relationship. Respecting another person is essential to motivating them. Respecting others is a way to show that you value them.

4. Be Open With Them -Openness is another great way to motivate people. You encourage employees to share information and encourage them learning new things. They feel proud and happy when they learn new information.

5. Reward for Good Work - You encourage people to work harder when you reward them for their good work. However, it is important to verify that they did a good work before you reward them.

6. Set Clear Goals -Setting clear goals helps motivate your employees by giving them something to aim for. A goal can help you motivate your employees and make them more productive.

7. Tell them what's happening - You might think that telling employees the details of your company's plans is a waste of time. However, it's a very effective method to motivate them. Informing them about company plans helps them decide what to focus on.

8. Give feedback - Feedback is a great way to increase employee morale. It's time-consuming, but it is worth it.

9. You can motivate your employees by letting them know the name of their boss. You will make sure they are well-informed and know where they can go to get help.

10. Ask for help - Last but not least, asking for assistance is a great way to motivate your employees. When you ask them for help, you tell them they can rely on you. They trust you because they know you care.