Is St. Thomas Island a safe place to visit? Travel Advisory for 2024

Saint Thomas is one of the stunning U.S. Virgin Islands located in the eastern Caribbean Sea. Filled with unspoiled beaches and colonial buildings, St. Thomas is both a cultural and sun-seekers playground. 

There have been reports of petty theft, mugging, robbery, and gun violence, but such crimes mostly affect locals instead of tourists.

However, visitors are encouraged to take standard safety precautions and stay away from secluded areas or poorly-lit neighborhoods.

Watch out for hurricane season happening from July to October. Schedule your holidays accordingly.

Table of contents

  • LATEST NEWS from St. Thomas:
    • March 21: 21 People Murdered in St. Thomas in 2023 – 10 Cases Still Under Investigation
  • Crime Statistics in St. Thomas
  • Areas to Avoid
  • Official Travel Advisories
    • U.K. Travel Advisory
    • Canada Travel Advisory
  • Safety Tips for St. Thomas

LATEST NEWS from St. Thomas:

March 21: 21 People Murdered in St. Thomas in 2023 – 10 Cases Still Under Investigation

Gun violence claimed the lives of 21 people in St. Thomas and St. John and Water Island districts in 2023, the U.S. Virgin Islands Police Department (VIPD) reported.

Chief Police Officer Steven Phillip turned to the community for help. He says their community is rather small to be having pointless murders. So, locals should come forward and make a report when spotting something suspicious.

Out of the 21 murders last year, 10 are yet to be solved. Authorities are offering a $100,000 reward to those who help solve the assassination of Archie Perry, a father of four.

Crime Statistics in St. Thomas

Is St. Thomas Island a safe place to visit? Travel Advisory for 2024

St. Thomas has a crime score of 77.94, which is considered high when compared to other Caribbean destinations. Let’s explore some other crime statistics of the island.

Crime level77.94High
Crime rise in the last 3 years75.00High
Concerns about home invasions and things stolen61.11High
Concerns about being mugged or robbed62.50High
Risk of cars being stolen43.06Moderate
Worries of belongings being stolen from cars59.72Moderate
Concerns of being attacked61.11High
Worries being insulted54.17Moderate
Concerns about being physically attacked due to skin color, ethnic origin, gender or religion45.83Moderate
Problems with drug addicts or drug dealers 68.06High
Vandalism and theft68.06High
Worries about being victim of assault or armed robbery75.00High
Perception of local corruption and bribery73.61High

Areas to Avoid

St. Thomas is one of those Caribbean destinations you can explore without too much trouble.

To avoid putting yourself in a risky situation, just stay away from Savan and Frenchman’s Hill, Coki Beach, and certain zones of Charlotte Amalie as there have been reports of robberies and other attacks.

Pro tip: neighborhoods featuring the word “Estate” in their names refer to governmental housing developments that tend to be more dangerous than the rest.

Official Travel Advisories

U.K. Travel Advisory

The U.K. Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office (FCDO) doesn’t issue a particular travel advisory for St. Thomas, probably because it’s just a part of the U.S. territory.

Instead, it provides advice to U.K. citizens regarding visiting the U.S. as a whole.

The U.K. government states that tourists rarely see themselves involved in violent crimes. However. It urges British nationals to stay away from isolated areas and keep themselves updated about incidents regarding terrorism and mass shootings.

Canada Travel Advisory

According to the Canadian government, St. Thomas has presented incidents of pickpocketing and purse-snatching. However, it says travelers should only take normal security precautions,” which means the destination is considered very safe.

Regarding women, authorities say a low number of travelers have experienced some degree of harassment and verbal abuse. So, be careful.

Safety Tips for St. Thomas

Is St. Thomas Island Safe Travel Advisory 2023

Most international travel advisories deem St. Thomas a safe island. However, it’s a good idea to follow these tips for a safer stay.

  • Don’t wear swimsuits if not at the beach. It’s frowned upon.
  • Respectfully follow the instructions of local police.
  • Make copies of your travel documents and keep the originals back at your accommodation.
  • Don’t wander alone on secluded beaches or neighborhoods, especially at night.
  • Watch out for tropical storms and hurricanes.
  • Don’t hesitate to take public transportation. It’s quite safe.
  • Female travelers should exercise increased caution since they can be victims of sexual harassment or verbal abuse.
  • Opt for renting a car when traveling solo.
  • Put on insect repellent to avoid being bitten by mosquitoes that transmit tropical diseases.
  • Not greeting workers at local businesses is considered extremely rude.

The post Is St. Thomas Island Safe To Visit? Travel Advisory 2024 appeared first on Traveling Lifestyle.


By: Maria Valencia
Title: Is St. Thomas Island Safe To Visit? Travel Advisory 2024
Sourced From:
Published Date: Fri, 22 Mar 2024 21:07:55 +0000

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