Boating is one of the most enjoyable and relaxing ways to have fun. Whether someone owns a boat or not, they are actually very accessible. Renting them out for a day is reasonably priced, if a large enough group chips in (about $50 to $75 per person). That may sound like quite a bit, but when compared to the cost of an amusement park or really any other kind of two to three hour excursion, it is very well priced at about $10/hour or less.
If you’ve been fortunate enough to be on a boat, odds are you’ve experienced one of the more common activities such as tubing, swimming, or water skiing. While of course these are all great ways to have fun, and highly recommended if you haven’t been boating, there are many other activities that can be enjoyed while on a boat that don’t get talked about enough.
Before going any further in this article, it is important to mention that safety is always first and the top priority. This means having driving experience, sturdy and safe boat seats, and life jackets in case something doesn’t go right.
1. Try a New Water Sport
Odds are, if you’ve been out on a boat, you’ve likely tried water skiing and tubing. But what about wakeboarding or knee boarding? Have you heard of skurfing? If you haven’t tried something, give it a try.
In my experience, every kind of water sport is very unique, utilizing different muscles and focus types. Even if you fail, the memories are (almost) always great.
The nice part about water sports is they can be done while getting from point A to point B. This is especially true if the ride is more leisurely and the purpose isn’t to crash into the water as hard as possible.
2. Go Exploring
This is certainly a somewhat common activity for people who own a boat, but it can also be really fun for someone just renting a for a day as well. Everyone always seems to go fishing or swimming in the same areas. For example, Laguna Beach in California has more than seven miles of coastline, yet only a fraction of beach is ever being used at any given point.
People love the idea of a secluded beach somewhere, yet never seem to go. Having a boat allows for this. Whether on a lake or in the ocean, a boat allows true exploring. It won’t take long to find an empty cove or be near a completely secluded beach.
For example, it is not uncommon to find a lake that has well over a hundred different coves or ‘fingers’ that can be explored and become your new favorite place.
While exploring you may even find another adventure such as a nature trail, cliffs good for diving, or a fishing hole.
3. Completely Disconnect
Oftentimes when people think of boating, it is all about go, go, go! The idea of actually turning the boat off, lowering the anchor and doing absolutely nothing seems outside of the realm of possibility.
Yet, oftentimes, this may be the best possible activity to do.
In my own experience, finding a quiet cove in the sun while the boat slowly rocks back and forth is one of the most relaxing and enjoyable activities I’ve experienced, not just boating, but ever.
Sure, there is a time for skiing, cliff diving and wake riding, but to put away the phone and just relax is a must-have experience.
This could look different for everyone. Perhaps it is having a picnic, playing games, or just talking. For others, it may be reading a book and enjoying the nature around.
Regardless of what disconnecting may mean, it is an activity that seems obvious, but gets overlooked far too often.
The post 4 Out-of-the-Box Boating Activities to Try appeared first on Travel Experta - Travel, Lifestyle, Freedom.
By: Marina 'Travel Experta'
Title: 4 Out-of-the-Box Boating Activities to Try
Sourced From: travelexperta.com/4-out-of-the-box-boating-activities-to-try/
Published Date: Sun, 04 Sep 2022 23:31:17 +0000
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