The Cayman Islands will drop quarantine restrictions for fully vaccinated travelers on Nov. 20.
Travelers will be requested to show proof of a negative COVID-19 test and proof of vaccination.
The Cayman Islands are one of the safest places in the Caribbean to visit during COVID. According to CDC, the warning level is 1 and the risk of getting or spreading COVID-19 is low.
The Cayman Islands Reopening Tourism – Latest updates

October 30 – Cayman Islands will lift quarantine restrictions for fully vaccinated travelers on Nov. 20
The Caribbean British overseas territory is set to ease its COVID-19 travel restrictions on Nov 20, allowing visitors to avoid quarantine if they present proof of vaccination and a negative COVID-19 test.
“With a high percentage of the population now vaccinated, we are keen to relax the current restrictions and move to Phase 4 of our reopening program on 20 November,” said Kenneth Bryan, Minister for Tourism and Transport.
“This will bring an important return to normality for travel and tourism on the islands in time for the holidays,” he added
In order to be admitted, visitors must declare travel and vaccination status via Travel Cayman
Special groups of people who are allowed entry to the Cayman Islands
People in one following categories can currently enjoy the beautiful Cayman Islands.
- Nationals and permanent residents
- Allowed workers and their families.
- People who own properties in the Cayman Islands.
- Students.
- Spouses, fiancés, parents, grandparents, children and siblings of permanent residents.
- Travelers approved on the Global Citizen Concierge Program.
Are the Cayman Islands open to American tourists?
Starting October 2020, the Cayman Islands’ government has allowed some American tourists to visit the island country.
Aside from permanent residents and work permit holders also visitors with close family ties to residents or work permit holders such as spouses, fiancés, parents, grandparents, children, and siblings are being allowed to visit.
For further information click here.
Is health insurance a must?
Yes. It is, at least for now. Visitors will need to submit proof of health insurance that covers COVID-19-related costs. They could also show proof of wealth enough to cover any medical treatment while on the islands.
Are Airports open in the Cayman Islands?

Owen Roberts International Airport, located in Grand Cayman, is open and serving inter-island travel to allowed visitors.
COVID-19 situation in the Cayman Islands

The Cayman Islands is one of the safest places on earth regarding COVID-19 infections. As of today, the country has 648 active cases and only 2 deaths.
Quarantine requirements
For now, travelers will be expected to quarantine from 5 days regardless of where they come from or the results of your COVID-19 tests.
Traveler Form
You need to apply for Approval to Travel. Complete the form and submit the necessary documents.
Can people quarantine at their chosen hotel/rental property?
Probably not. The available options for accommodation during your quarantine are:
- Government quarantine facility
- Private quarantine facility
- Personal residence. You will need to wear a geofencing device.
Choose one of these when you complete your travel application. Before traveling you will be notified if your chosen accommodation for quarantine was approved.
What general safety measures are enforced in the Cayman Islands?
The government relies on sensible policies and personal responsibility to maintain a COVID-19 safe zone within the islands. These are some of the tools they use to do protect locals and visitors
- PCR testing
- Geofencing technology
- Random checks
- Penalties
To stay updated visit their Cayman Islands Travel website.
Cayman Islands reopening border: Update Archives
September 25 – The Cayman Islands to Indefinitely Pause Reopening Plan, says government
The Cayman Islands’ government has decided to put on hold its reopening plan due to a rise in Covid-19 cases, said Premier Wayne Panton at a press briefing Tuesday.
“We are pausing… our reopening plan for the rest of this year. We don’t want to rush anything.”
“We want to consider the various steps we need to put in place to address community spread and ensure we can feel safe and children are protected,” he said when talking about some community transmitted cases recently detected.
The Tourism Association released a statement Wednesday expressing deep discontent with the “indefinite pause” on the borders reopening.
Source: Cayman Compass
September 11 – Cayman Islands still on for reopening on Oct. 14
The Cayman Island government had established an 80% vaccination threshold rate in order to reopen for tourism on October 14. Well, that won’t happen.
Yet, Prime Minister Wayne Panton has said that if the government considers it can still be done in a safe way, they will do it regardless of the vaccination rate.
Yesterday, the leader of the People’s Progressive Movement, a political party in the Cayman Islands, requested the government to “give careful thought to whether it would not be prudent to hold back on reopening.”
According to the leader, the epidemiology situation has worsened in the last few weeks and it’s not time for a reopening.
Source: Cayman LoopNews
July 14 – Cayman Islands’ Five-phase plan to reopen for international tourism will permit fully vaccinated travelers to comeback from October 14
The Cayman Island Department of Tourism launched a five-phase plan to reopen for tourism by January 2022.
“My colleagues and I in government have worked tirelessly to develop this phased approach in preparation for the opening of our borders to international travelers – and we are pleased to announce the wait for paradise is almost over! Our guests will appreciate the impactful developments and enhancements we’ve made to the destination – surely proving that Cayman is worth the wait,” said Minister for Tourism and Transport, Hon. Kenneth Bryan on Monday.
Here is what the plan looks like:
Phase 1: Reduced Quarantine Period – July 2021: Fully vaccinated travelers will only need to quarantine for 5 days.
Phase 2: Reduced Repatriation Restrictions – August 9, 2021: Travelers will not be GPS monitored anymore.
Phase 3: Limited Introduction of Tourism, September 9, 2021: A limited number of vaccinated travelers will be allowed entry.
Phase 4: Reduced Quarantine Restrictions, October 14, 2021: Fully vaccinated travelers will no longer need to quarantine.
Phase 5: Travel for Unvaccinated Children, November 18, 2021: unvaccinated children (under age 12) will be allowed entry.
Welcome Back “phase”, January 27, 2022: Cayman Islands will be welcoming travelers without travel restrictions.
Source: Cision Newswire
August 27 – Cayman Islands will reopen on Sept. 9 but will keep quarantine on arrival until October 14.
The Cayman Islands government acknowledges it will be unable to vaccinate 80% of its population by September 9 when the third phase of reopening should start.
The islands will still reopen on that date. But visitors will need to quarantine for 14 days upon arrival.
Cayman Islands plans to reach 80% vaccination rate by October 14, and only then lift the quarantine requirement.
“We are not afraid of making a decision. What we are afraid of is people getting very sick from COVID,” Premier Wayne Panton said at a conference Wednesday.
Source: Cayman News
August 12 – Cayman Islands to receive travelers without GPS monitoring from August 9
Effective August 9, Cayman Islands started to allow (a limited number of ) international arrivals to spend their 5-day mandatory quarantine without GPS monitoring.
Also, the requirement to take a weekly PCR COVID-19 for unvaccinated frontline workers was lifted.
The government looks “to assess local impacts and build capacity to manage the increase in traveller volume anticipated with the opening of the borders in Phase 3.”
This pilot test will be in place until September 9 when the islands are scheduled to reopen.
Source: Cayman Compass
July 26 – Cayman Islands’ borders to remain close for international tourism until at least September 9, said Minister
Effective July 19, tourists willing to visit the Cayman Islands will need to justify the motives they have to travel to the territory, said Tourism Minister Kenneth Bryan at the Finance Committee.
Inbound and outbound flights continue to be permitted for essential travel only and it is not possible to travel for leisure at the moment.
Returning nationals, students, and people traveling for medical treatments are among the people who could be allowed entry.
These visitors will need to submit their “reasons to travel” to Cayman Airways for evaluation and approval.
Source: Cayman News Service
July 1 – the Cayman Islands reintroduces a 10-day quarantine for fully vaccinated visitors from June 25
Two days after reducing mandatory quarantine to 5 days for fully vaccinated travelers, Cayman Island authorities decided to give that benefit only to people who have been vaccinated in the Islands or in the U.K.
This new policy will continue until certificates from other countries can be securely verified by authorities in Cayman, said the outgoing interim director of Travel Cayman, Matthew Hylton.
Due to these and other restrictions the tourism industry is struggling to survive. Cayman Islands Tourism Association president Marc Langevin has stated the territory has only seen 5,000 visitors since the pandemic began.
Source: CaymanCompass
June 19 – Cayman Island will reduce quarantine to 5 days for fully vaccinated travelers from June 23
It has been more than 300 days since the Cayman Islands recorded their last case of community transmission of COVID-19. With only 2 deaths so far, the government continues to be especially cautious about keeping the virus out of their borders.
Effective June 23, vaccinated visitors will see their mandatory quarantine reduced to only 5 days.
What remains unknown is the date this British overseas territory will fully reopen for tourism.
“Our plan is based on a number of people vaccinated so that the vulnerable in our community, who can’t get vaccinated, are protected. Once we do reopen our border, and we will, in our plan we will slowly reintroduce tourism without having thousands of people at the airport.” said Premier Wayne Panton on Wednesday.
(Source: Cayman Compass)
June 5 – Cayman Islands to reduce quarantine from 10 to 5 days after summer.
The Cayman Island is considering reducing the quarantine requirement from 10 to 5 days – probably – after summer.
But not everything is good news. The government also plans to introduce a compulsory vaccine requirement for future overseas work permit holders and for those workers who want to have their permit renewed.
Premier Wayne Panton still considers this whole process a risk for the nation. “This process obviously involves an increase in risk for us, … our success depends on a number of factors, not just our own internal preparations but what is happening in the… gateway countries,” he said.
What is clear is that borders are unlikely to reopen in summer. This is because according to the Panton, nothing was ready for the new governor to start working on a full reopening plan.
(Source: Cayman Compass)
The post Cayman Islands To Reopen For Fully Vaccinated Tourists on November 20 appeared first on Traveling Lifestyle.
By: Viktor Vincej
Title: Cayman Islands To Reopen For Fully Vaccinated Tourists on November 20
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Published Date: Sat, 30 Oct 2021 15:32:00 +0000