7 Things to Know Before You Visit Cancun

7 Things to Know Before You Visit Cancun

If you are planning a vacation and want to go somewhere tropical, Cancun is an excellent option. Cancun is famous for its beautiful weather, gorgeous beaches and resorts, making it a popular tourist destination. According to Travel Off Path, over 10 million people visited Cancun over the past year.

Cancun is a beautiful place to vacation, but you need to understand that it is located in a foreign country. Anytime you visit a foreign country, it is essential that you do some research on your vacation destination before you travel.

There are things about Cancun you should know before you get on the plane.

1. Cancun Is Safe

Mexico has a reputation for being dangerous, and some people worry about vacationing there. In 2017, Cancun had a rise in murders, so the U.S. Department of State issued a Level 2 travel warning.

Most of the murders were targeted. Some were turf battles between rival gangs in areas frequented by United States citizens. Others were criminal organization assassinations.

If you choose a hotel or resort frequented by tourists, you should be safe during your visit. Whatever was going on in 2017 is over, and as long as you choose the right place to stay and pay attention to your surroundings, you will be safe during your Cancun vacation.

2. Pay Attention to Beach Flags

Relaxing on the beautiful beaches of Cancun is a great way to spend a day. If you want to prevent your relaxing vacation from becoming deadly, you should pay attention to the flags on the beach.

Strong undertows and rough surf are common in Mexico, which is why they have a flag system. The flags let swimmers know if the water is safe. The color of the flag lets you know what to expect. According to Tripsavvy.com, the following colors identify the current swimming conditions.

  • Green: Swimming is safe
  • Yellow: Use caution while swimming
  • Red: Dangerous conditions
  • Black: The conditions are so dangerous that you shouldn’t attempt to swim in the ocean.

If you aren’t a strong swimmer, you should avoid the ocean unless the flag is green.

2. Don’t Drink Tap Water

You should never drink from the tap in Cancun. According to Water & Waste Digest, the water supply in Cancun isn’t treated the way it is in the United States, and the water contains parasites and bacteria that can be deadly.

As a tourist, you are more likely to get sick from the tap water because your body is used to clean, treated water.

Many resorts offer free bottled water to their guests. You should drink bottled water and use it to brush your teeth.

You also need to be careful with ice. Unless you are sure that the ice has been filtered, order your drinks without ice. If the ice a restaurant or resort uses is cylinder-shaped with a hole in the middle, it came from a purified ice company, and it is safe to put it in your drinks.

Being careful about the water in Cancun can prevent you from spending most of your vacation sick on the bathroom floor.

3. Cancun’s Currency

Although most resorts, restaurants, and hotels accept U.S. currency; however, it is best to convert your dollars to pesos before you travel to get the best exchange rate. If you don’t exchange your cash for pesos ahead of time, you can get pesos from the ATM. Avoid exchanging money with an airport vendor or the hotel because you will get a lower exchange rate.

Although these establishments will accept cash, they will give you change in pesos. It is easier to work with one form of currency.

Credit cards are widely accepted in Cancun; however, street vendors and public transportation only accept pesos; therefore, you need to have some on hand.

4. Getting To Your Hotel

There are plenty of taxis in Cancun; however, they are expensive. The taxis don’t have meters, and you can pay up to 900 pesos or $45 U.S. dollars for a taxi ride from the airport to your hotel.

Cancun Shuttles is an excellent alternative to taxis, and taking the shuttle is more convenient and less expensive. Cancun Shuttle has provided safe, reliable transportation for over 10 years, and the shuttles run to anywhere in Cancun or the Riviera Maya.

5. Getting Around In Cancun

If you don’t plan to spend your whole vacation at your hotel or resort, you will need a way to get around. As mentioned above, taxis are costly. Taking a bus is a better choice because taking a bus is half the cost of taking a taxi.

6. Plan Accordingly

If you have your heart set on vacationing in Cancun, don’t book your vacation from August through November. This is Cancun’s hurricane season, and you don’t want the weather to ruin your vacation.

7. Stay Alert

Cancun is a popular tourist destination, and some people target tourists. When you are out in Cancun, try to keep your purse or wallet hidden from view. If thieves cannot see your money, they cannot steal it.

You should also stay alert to your surroundings. If you get caught up in the beauty and culture, you can become a target for criminals.

If your Cancun vacation will be enjoyable, relaxing, and safe, you should do plenty of research before leaving. It is best to know what to expect before you start your vacation.

The post 7 Things You Need To Know Before Visiting Cancun appeared first on Travel Experta - Travel, Lifestyle, Freedom.

7 Things to Know Before You Visit Cancun 7 Things to Know Before You Visit Cancun 7 Things to Know Before You Visit Cancun 7 Things to Know Before You Visit Cancun 7 Things to Know Before You Visit Cancun 7 Things to Know Before You Visit Cancun 7 Things to Know Before You Visit Cancun 7 Things to Know Before You Visit Cancun 7 Things to Know Before You Visit Cancun
7 Things to Know Before You Visit Cancun


By: Marina Villatoro
Title: 7 Things You Need To Know Before Visiting Cancun
Sourced From: feedproxy.google.com/~r/TheTravelExperta/~3/YczfuCnP_Ug/
Published Date: Sat, 23 Oct 2021 16:59:03 +0000

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