The Complete Pinterest Marketing Guide: 9 Tips For Business Growth in 2023

The Complete Pinterest Marketing Guide: 9 Tips For Business Growth in 2023

Starting a business can be overwhelming, but leveraging the power of Pinterest to market your products or services doesn’t have to be.

Whether you’re just getting started on the platform or looking for advanced tactics and strategies to enhance your current Pinterest marketing strategy, this guide has you covered.

You’ll learn how to create compelling visuals that stand out in the feed and advance techniques like influencer collaboration, facilitating customers through board organization, audience segmentation, and more!

By implementing our proven Pinterest marketing tips, you’ll set yourself up for long-term sustainable growth to take advantage of everything this powerful visual-oriented social media platform offers.

Keep reading below if you want to increase your reach and sales while driving meaningful engagement with potential clients!

What Is Pinterest?

Pinterest is a visual-based social media platform that allows users to “pin” images, videos, and other content related to their interests.

With over 440 million active monthly users, it has become a powerful marketing tool for businesses of all sizes.

Pinterest users can create boards to organize their pins into specific topics. They can also follow other users to keep up with their content and engage with them by liking, commenting, or repinning interesting posts.

Why Do You Need A Pinterest Marketing Strategy For Your Business?

Pinterest is an excellent growth tool for businesses, and they need to focus on dedicated Pinterest marketing strategies for two major reasons.

First, Pinterest gets a lot of traffic that’s looking to buy. According to Pinterest’s research data, its users are “90% more likely to say they’re always shopping.”

This means if you have a product or service to offer, Pinterest could be an excellent source of qualified leads for your business.

Second, unlike other social media platforms, Pinterest is a long-term investment. People come to the platform to find inspiration for their projects and ideas.

This allows you to build meaningful relationships with potential customers, raising brand awareness and driving sales over time. That’s why smart brands include Pinterest in their social media marketing campaigns.

Now that you understand what Pinterest is and why it’s important for your business, let’s understand what goes into creating an effective Pinterest marketing strategy.

Top Ingredients Of Winning Pinterest Marketing Strategies

Let’s dive into three essential components that make up a successful Pinterest marketing strategy.

#1: Distributing High-Quality Content

Creating high-quality content is the foundation of a successful Pinterest marketing strategy. When crafting visuals for your pins, you’ll want to make sure they stand out and capture your audience’s attention in the feed.

Similarly, you need to ensure the content is distributed correctly. For instance, you must leverage the right type of pins to promote your online store, blog, recipes, or DIY projects and ensure you’re targeting the right audience.

#2: Promotion & Optimization

Once you have your content created, it’s time to promote it and optimize your campaigns. You want to ensure you’re using the right keywords so that people can easily find your content.

You can also use influencer collaborations, A/B testing, and analytics tools to measure the performance of your pins and ensure you’re getting the most out of your campaigns.

#3: Community Engagement

Finally, fostering meaningful relationships with your audience is key to building a successful Pinterest presence. You want to engage with your followers by responding to comments, liking pins, and repinning content from other users in your niche.

This will help you build brand loyalty and trust, essential for driving long-term growth on the platform.

By following these steps, you can create a successful Pinterest marketing strategy that will help you reach and engage with potential customers while driving sales in the long run.

Now that you know how Pinterest marketing strategies are created, let’s dive deep into tricks of the trade and learn Pinterest best practices.

9 Tips To Create An Effective Pinterest Marketing Strategy

Here are 9 Pinterest marketing tips that will drive growth.

#1: Get a Pinterest Business Account

When signing up for Pinterest, you can choose between a personal or business account on Pinterest. While they are both free and allow you to post pins, the latter provides some advanced features that give it an edge over a personal account.


With a business Pinterest account, you can extend your reach by unlocking tools such as Pinterest Analytics, Pinterest Business Hub, rich pins, and all other types of pins. This gives you more control over the type of content you post and allows you to track your performance.

Sounds amazing, right? Our step-by-step guide will teach you how to set up your business Pinterest account.

Also, it doesn’t matter if you have already created a personal Pinterest account. The platform allows you to create a linked Pinterest business account with every personal profile.

So, if you wish to use Pinterest as a marketing tool, sign up for a business account.

#2: Create A Professional, Attractive, & Optimized Pinterest Profile

Your Pinterest profile is an extension of your brand, so you want to make sure it looks professional and optimized. You can customize your profile by:

  • adding a profile picture with a logo
  • writing an engaging, keyword-rich bio
  • using a unique, keyword-rich user handle or profile name
  • uploading a banner image that relates to or describes your business
  • adding the link to your website and social profiles

This will not only make your profile look more attractive, but it will also help you increase the visibility of your pins to other Pinterest users.

Remember, the quality of your profile plays a key role in determining the success of your Pinterest marketing efforts.

#3: Learn Pinterest SEO and Perform Keyword Research

Just like Bing or Google, Pinterest is a search engine. The only difference is that it is a visual search engine.

Still, search engine optimization rules (SEO) apply to Pinterest as well. This means there is an algorithm behind pins appearing in the Pinterest feed, and you need to optimize your content for relevant keywords to compete with other pins.

That’s why keyword research is so important. But how do you find keywords that your target audience is searching for?

The easiest way to find relevant keywords is by leveraging Pinterest’s “search bar autocomplete” feature. Simply type in the root keyword related to your business, and the search engine will provide you with a list of related keywords.

Or, you can go to and use Pinterest Trends to find trending topics people are interested in. Browse those topics and categories to find keywords related to your business.

When your keyword research is complete, use them in your profile bio, pin titles, pin descriptions, board titles, and board descriptions to optimize them for the Pinterest search engine.

Besides keywords, Pinterest looks at the following ranking factors to decide which pins will show up in the results:

  • Topic relevance
  • Quality of your pin
  • Your engagement rate
  • Quality of your profile (Pinner Quality)
  • Domain quality of your business website

#4: Create & Organize Your Pinterest Boards

When setting up your Pinterest board, it is important to focus on both the aesthetics and organization of your boards.

So, choose a theme for each board based on the content you plan to post, and group similar boards together.


This will help Pinterest users quickly find the content they are looking for.

For example, if you have an online store, you can create boards for different product categories like clothing, accessories, shoes, etc.

Similarly, if you have a blog, organize your boards according to the topics you write about, such as fashion, beauty, lifestyle, etc.

Also, add board covers to your Pinterest boards to make them more visually appealing to visitors.

Finally, remember to link each board to your website or social media profiles whenever possible. This will help your blog or e-commerce store more website traffic.

#5: Create Compelling & High-Quality Pins

Pins are the lifeblood of Pinterest. After all, this is where your content will be discovered and shared by other users.

So, you must ensure your pins are high-quality and visually appealing.

To create high-quality pins, you should use images or videos that are relevant to the topic and have clear, eye-catching text, if any.

Also, use bright colors, simple designs, and interesting visual elements to make your pins stand out from the crowd.

In addition, always remember to create pins with the right aspect ratio. Pinterest recommends using a 2:3 aspect ratio or 1000 px by 1500 px images for best results.

Incorrect pin sizes can have your images cropped automatically by Pinterest, thus reducing the visual impact of your pins on both desktop and Pinterest app views.

But it’s nothing to worry about, as plenty of free online tools can help you quickly resize images or create pins from scratch.

Canva and Adobe Spark, for example, are some of the most popular free tools you can use to create attractive pins.

#6: Write Enticing, Keyword Rich Descriptions

While creating attractive visual content and enhancing the visual appeal of your Pinterest profile, remember to include keywords in your Pinterest pins’ and board descriptions.

Using keywords in your descriptions will help you gain more visibility and engagement on Pinterest. This means these descriptions will work well for both Pinterest SEO and users. The platform will understand that you want to rank for a particular term, while users will see what your content is about.

However, you need to be careful while writing board and pin descriptions. Why?

Because you get up to 500 characters to write a pin description.

It doesn’t mean that all of the 500 characters will appear in search results. Only the first 30 to 60 characters will most likely appear in the Pinterest feed.

Keeping this information in mind, here is what you should do:

  • Include relevant keywords in the first 3 to 5 terms.
  • Try to have your brand name in the first line.
  • Place keywords naturally and don’t stuff them too much.
  • Include a call-to-action to drive traffic to your store or blog posts.
  • Finally, make your descriptions enticing and engaging.

#7: Understand And Leverage All Types Of Pins

The best thing about using a free business account is the freedom it gives you to create different types of pins.

While a personal account can only post idea pins and static pins to share ideas, a business account lets you post the following:

  • Image pins
  • Video pins
  • Story pins
  • Rich pins

Rich pins are the most interesting and useful of them all. They help you gain more visibility on Pinterest because they’re interactive in nature and facilitate users. How?

They fetch and display information from your website when a user clicks on them.

For example, product pins can include prices, availability information, and links to product pages. Recipe pins can show ingredients, cooking times, and nutritional information.

Similarly, article rich pins include the headline, author, and a brief blog post description.

So, no matter the type of rich, each one of them offers additional information about your products, leading to more engagement and better chances of conversions.

Important: When you link product pins back to your website, it helps improve your domain quality, ultimately strengthening your Pinterest SEO strategy.

#8: Use Your Pinterest Business Account Tools

Besides the option to post all types of pins, Pinterest business accounts come with some powerful features that can help you analyze, optimize, and promote your content for better performance.

For starters, Pinterest Analytics offers insights into your pins, boards, and overall profile performance.

You can track data like impressions, clicks, saves, and follows in order to understand user preferences and optimize your content accordingly.

Then, there is Pinterest advertising, which lets you use the Promoted Pins (or Pinterest Ads) feature to showcase your best pins in front of more people.

You can even target relevant audiences and measure the success of your campaigns using Pinterest Ads Manager.

How does it work?

At the highest level (campaign level):

  1. Set a budget for your campaign
  2. Choose one of the following campaign goals: awareness, engagement, and traffic.

At mid-level (ad group-level):

  1. Choose your target audience.
  2. Select your ad dates.

At the bottom level (ad-level):

  1. Select your pins to promote

You can choose any of the following ad formats:

  • Collections ad
  • Video ads
  • Carousel
  • Idea ads

That’s it — run ads, analyze performance, and adjust your Pinterest strategy accordingly.

However, the results of your campaigns depend heavily on your goals.

While awareness and engagement campaigns can increase brand awareness, traffic campaigns can get you more website visitors.

So, choose your goals wisely.

#9: Engage With Your Target Audience

Engagement is the key to success on Pinterest.

That’s why it’s important for you to actively engage with both your followers and target audience.

You can do this by leaving comments on pins, repinning content from other users, and responding to questions and messages. This helps build trust and credibility, which can lead to more engagement on your pins and website.

You can even join group boards and collaborate with other creators in your niche.

This allows you to reach a wider audience and get more exposure for your content.

Plus, it’s a great way to network with influencers and get additional promotion for your brand.

So, start engaging with other users on Pinterest today and reap the rewards of success!

AND that’s a wrap!

Buckle Up For Pinterest Success

By now, we’re sure you know that Pinterest should definitely be a part of your social media marketing strategy.

As with any other platform, success on Pinterest takes time and effort. But with the right strategy, you can leverage Pinterest to create a powerful presence for your brand on this highly engaging social network.

However, if it seems overwhelming or overly technical, consider completing this: Social Media Marketing Certificate.

Or follow our 2023 step-by-step guide to set up your Pinterest business account and create an effective Pinterest strategy to generate leads and drive sales.

The post The Complete Pinterest Marketing Guide: 9 Tips For Business Growth in 2023 appeared first on DigitalMarketer.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the motivations of an entrepreneur

Entrepreneurs' three most important motivations are freedom, money, and knowledge.

  1. Freedom is the freedom to do what you want, whenever you want. This is why entrepreneurs are born when our current jobs or lives make it difficult.
  2. We wouldn't consider opening a business without money. While we can survive on food, water, shelter and money, it is not possible to make ends meet without money.
  3. But the third motivation is knowledge. Entrepreneurship requires that you continue learning. We read books, attend seminars, take courses online, and learn how products and services are created.

This is what makes us succeed and helps us achieve our goals. It gives us meaning and purpose.

These three things are the reasons why we became entrepreneurs in the first place. These are the driving forces that keep us going every day.

If these three things are missing, we might pack up and go home. We won't be truly happy if we don't have the three things we need.

These are the 6 most important questions to ask entrepreneurs.

Motivation is the key ingredient to any business. You can't motivate yourself to get out of bed each and every day. You'll have trouble completing projects without motivation. Without motivation, it's impossible to reach your goals. How do we find motivation?

Perhaps you are asking yourself "What motivates?" But the answer might surprise you. You might have been asking the same question for many years. If you don't ask yourself this question, then you are missing out on one the greatest rewards of your life: the opportunity to discover your motivation.

It's the most motivating thing to discover why you are here. You will then realize what drives yourself. This is when your purpose becomes clearer, more meaningful. What are you passionate about? Once you know why you care, it will make it easier to stay motivated.

Looking within is the key to unlocking your motivation. These are your questions:

  1. What are you passionate about?
  2. What makes your heart beat faster?
  3. What makes me feel alive?
  4. What gives you butterflies in your stomach?
  5. What makes you feel alive to me?
  6. What draws you back to your project time and again?

Once you have your answers, it will be possible to determine your true motivations.

Motivation will be your strength through difficult times. It will provide you with strength when you are most in need. It will encourage you to work harder. It will inspire you to be successful.

And if your like me, then you'll never stop trying to find out what your motivations are.

Consider what drives you today. You might be surprised at your discoveries.

What is the importance of motivation for entrepreneurs?

Motivation is what drives us forward when things seem difficult or hopeless. It gives us the power to face our fears.

Motivation is also a driving force behind success. Lack of motivation can cause us to become lazy, unmotivated or unproductive, ultimately leading to our failure.

To unlock your potential, you must find ways to motivate. You need to find a way of staying motivated every day.

It is like a muscle. The more you work it, the stronger it will become. It starts to weaken and atrophy if it isn’t exercised.

Self-motivated entrepreneurs are the best. They set goals and plan the steps to reach them.

There are times when you need to be motivated. Here are three simple steps to help you keep going.

Step 1) Get inspired. Find someone whose example inspires you. Someone who is already achieving the things you dream of.

Step 2: Set small goals. Be realistic about each goal. The next step is more important than the end result. You can reach big goals quicker by breaking them into smaller pieces.

Step 3 - Reward yourself When you achieve your goals, reward yourself. It doesn't have be something tangible, it could just be time spent doing something you enjoy.

Motivation is a choice. Choose to be happy and to succeed, and to live an abundant life.

So if you want to change your life, start today. Start by deciding to change. Next, take action. Now is the time to live your dreams.

What are the advantages of an entrepreneurial mindset?

Entrepreneurship has many advantages. The first is your ability to be self-reliant. You no longer rely on others.

This allows you to be your own boss and can allow you to follow your dreams. It also helps you build relationships with other entrepreneurs because you share similar challenges and interests.

You gain confidence. You're constantly learning new things as an entrepreneur. This gives you the ability to adapt quickly and be flexible. This will allow you to think outside of the box and not get stuck in a rut.

We are no longer bound to the regulations and rules that society places on us when we start our own businesses. We have the freedom to decide what and how to live our lives.

We can choose to follow the crowd or go against it. You can choose to succeed or fail. You can choose to win or fail.

The freedom you have is exhilarating. It comes with a fair amount of responsibility. Because you will be responsible for all that happens within your company when you assume this role.

So if you want to succeed, you must learn to manage risk. Try new things. Your goal will be achieved if you are open to learning from your mistakes.

When you start your journey, remember these important lessons.


  • Entrepreneurship is a lifestyle choice.
  • If you own your own business, then you're the boss.
  • Be wary of following trends.
  • Success doesn't come in money; it comes in freedom.
  • You need to balance your personal life with your professional life.
  • Set clear expectations.
  • Be honest with your team.
  • Be persistent if it's your desire for something to happen.

What are the five most important motivators for entrepreneurs?

Motivation is key for success. Without it, everything would fail. We wouldn't exist without it.

Motivational psychology is the study of how humans behave when motivated. When motivated, we do amazing things. But it's also clear that there are limits to our motivation.

The five most important motivating factors are:

  1. Autonomy is the freedom to choose
  2. Mastery - the ability to master skills
  3. Purpose – The sense of purpose
  4. The feeling of belonging - relatedness
  5. Reciprocity is the willingness to give back

These motivators might seem to be applicable to your business. However, each one offers a slightly different perspective of why people act the way they do.

An individual may seek autonomy to be able to choose his own path. Or perhaps he seeks mastery because he wants to become more skilled at his job.

So on. These are only a few examples of motivations. There are many more. However, which ones might be most applicable to your particular situation. That depends entirely on you.

To find out, I recommend that you write down three words that describe your ideal workplace environment. Then take those same words and apply them to your current working conditions.

If you have trouble coming up with ideas, then simply ask yourself: "Why am I doing this?" If you can't think of any ideas, ask yourself: "Why am I doing this?" This will help identify your goals.

Once you understand what you want, then you can figure out where your current position is. And this knowledge can help to decide whether you should make changes.

If you don’t want to make any changes, it's time to assess your options.

If you want to make changes, you need to think of ways to motivate you.

Which motivator is the most powerful? It's difficult to say. Instead of focusing your attention on one factor only, think about all five.

This will help achieve your ultimate goal of being an entrepreneur.

How can entrepreneurs motivate staff?

Motivation can come in any form. It doesn't matter from where motivation comes, as long as it inspires people to take action. No matter what approach you choose, motivation is crucial for any business.

Employees are more motivated if they feel happy. This makes them more likely to do their best. Give your team the tools they need to feel empowered.

It is important to make sure they feel valued. A place where they can grow and learn. It is a place where they can express their ideas without fear of being punished.

You create a culture that allows employees to thrive and achieve their goals. This is how you keep your top talent happy, productive, and loyal.

You need to recognize the behaviors that make you successful in order to maintain a culture. This means bonuses when goals are met, offering training opportunities, increasing pay raises, and providing perks such as health insurance.

Clear communication and direction are also essential. Everyone should know what's expected of him and why.

You must ensure that policies and procedures are clearly written and communicated. Make sure there's someone responsible for making sure they're followed.

Communication is essential. Keep your employees informed about the current state of the organization. Inform your team about what's going on and what's coming up.

Communication is vital,, and looking after your team is the best way to ensure you stay ahead of the competition. They'll take care of you.

Without a great relationship with your employees, you could lose a lot of money. Studies have shown that companies with high employee engagement score higher in productivity and profitability than those struggling to retain their top performers.

It's important to understand that not every employee wants to work at the same pace as others. Some people prefer to work alone, while others enjoy working in teams. There are different ways to motivate each individual, and it's up to you to find yours.

For example, some may respond better to incentives, while others might appreciate the recognition. Whatever works for you, ensure it aligns with the company's goals.

The leader is ultimately responsible for setting the tone. Open-mindedness is key. Listen to your team. You have to listen to your team if you want it done right.


  • Invest at least 30% managing those with authority over you and 15% managing your peers.” (
  • According to analysts, Johnson has high appeal in all four quadrants tracked at the multiplex: male, female, over-25 and under-25. (
  • That means for $150,000, you could have bought 10 percent of Airbnb." (
  • “If you look to lead, invest at least 40% of your time managing yourself – your ethics, character, principles, purpose, motivation, and conduct. (
  • "Most of the time when people ask me about motivation, 80 percent of the time, I attribute it to gratitude. (

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How To

What are 10 ways to motivate employees

Motivating employees can be one of the most challenging things you'll ever have to do. It takes patience, perseverance as well as sacrifice and effort. It is important to understand how to motivate people to work hard.

If you don’t know what motivates someone you won’t be able get them/her to do anything. If you don't understand why your employee is motivated to make changes, you will not be able help him/her. This article will demonstrate how to motivate your employee by using different methods.

1. Give them the feeling of importance - This is one of the best methods to motivate your employees. If you can give your employees this feeling, it will let them know they are important and valuable. They should always believe they are doing a good job and that their efforts count.

2. Give Recognition - People enjoy recognition. People are more happy if they are given recognition. So, if you want to motivate your employees, ensure you recognize them from time to time.

3. Respect Others - It is an essential component of any relationship. Respecting your partner is key to motivating them. Respecting others allows you to tell them they matter.

4. Open Communication with Your Employees - Openness is a great way for people to feel motivated. Share information with your employees and you encourage them to be open. When they learn new things they feel happy and proud.

5. Reward Good Work -When you reward people for good work, you encourage them to keep working harder. Before you award them, make sure to check if they did a good task.

6. Setting clear goals - Giving your employees something to strive for will help them be more motivated. Giving them a goal also makes them better workers.

7. Tell Them What's Going On -You may think telling your employees about the company's plans would waste their precious time. However, it's a very effective method to motivate them. Telling them about the company's plans lets them know what they should focus on next.

8. Giving feedback is a great way of boosting employee morale. Although giving feedback can take some time, it is worthwhile.

9. It's important to let your employees know who their bosses is. This will help motivate them. You will make sure they are well-informed and know where they can go to get help.

10. Asking for help – Finally, asking your employees for their assistance is an additional way to motivate them. Asking them for help lets them know they can count on you. They will feel that you care about them and that they can trust you.

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