Don’t Waste Your Google Ad Spend: How Negative Keyword Lists Can Improve Your Google Ads Campaigns

Don’t Waste Your Google Ad Spend: How Negative Keyword Lists Can Improve Your Google Ads Campaigns

As I was auditing yet another Google ad account at my agency Digital Street, one of the biggest and most common mistakes that popped up once again was no negative keyword list or negative keywords added to any of the campaigns.

The ad account in question is spending $1500 a day i.e., around $45000 per month. I’ve audited 1000s of Google ad accounts and this one mistake annoys me to the hilt.

You Must Be Wondering, Why? What’s the Big Deal?

Let me explain.

First things first, let’s define what negative keywords are. Simply put, they’re words or phrases that you add to your Google Ads campaign to tell Google which search terms you don’t want your ads to appear for.

By excluding these keywords, you can save money, improve your click-through rate, and increase your conversion rate. 

For example, let’s say you own an online shoe store that sells high-end designer shoes. You might want to bid on keywords like “designer shoes,” “luxury shoes,” and “high-end shoes” to attract potential customers who are specifically looking for your products.

Don’t Waste Your Google Ad Spend: How Negative Keyword Lists Can Improve Your Google Ads Campaigns

However, you probably don’t want your ads to show up for search terms like “cheap shoes” or “discount shoes,” since those searchers are unlikely to be interested in your expensive products. In this case, you would add “cheap” and “discount” as negative keywords to your campaign.

Now, Why Are Negative Keywords So Important?

Well, let me break it down for you.

By eliminating irrelevant clicks and focusing on high-intent searchers, you’re likely to see a higher click-through rate (CTR), a lower cost per click (CPC), and a higher conversion rate. That means you get more bang for your buck and achieve better results from your Google Ads campaigns.

And who doesn’t want that?

So, How Do You Create An Effective Negative Keyword List?

Here are some steps to follow:

Don’t Waste Your Google Ad Spend: How Negative Keyword Lists Can Improve Your Google Ads Campaigns

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  • Step 1: Start with a brainstorming session. Think about the types of search terms that would be irrelevant or low-intent for your business. There are certain words such as ‘free’, ‘reviews’, ‘cheap’ that we always exclude across all our accounts.
  • Step 2: Use Google Ads’ Search Terms Report to see which search terms are triggering your ads. This report shows you the actual search terms that people are using to find your ads and can help you identify any irrelevant or low-intent search terms that you might have missed. At my agency Digital Street AU, we mine search terms every 48 hours. It’s part of our optimizing the ad campaigns process.
  • Step 3: Add Negative Keywords to Your Campaign. Once you have your list of negative keywords, you can add them to your campaign by going to the “Negative keywords” tab in your Google Ads account.
  • Step 4: Refine Your List Over Time. Remember, creating an effective negative keyword list is an ongoing process. Keep track of your campaign’s performance and adjust your negative keyword list accordingly.

In conclusion, negative keywords are a powerful tool that can help you save money, improve your ad performance, and achieve better results from your Google Ads campaigns. So, don’t neglect them!

Take the time to create an effective negative keyword list and watch your Return on ad spend (ROAS) soar.

Until next time, keep optimizing!


The post Don’t Waste Your Google Ad Spend: How Negative Keyword Lists Can Improve Your Google Ads Campaigns appeared first on DigitalMarketer.

Frequently Asked Questions

How to motivate yourself as an entrepreneurial leader?

To motivate yourself, find someone who is also motivated to do what your goal is. Ask someone who's working hard to reach his goals for how he achieved them.

Listen, ask for advice and, most importantly, follow through. Look up successful people to emulate.

Be the person you want to be. Learn from them. Take their lead. Follow their example.

Keep moving forward. Keep moving. Never stop learning. Never give up.

Never listen to anyone telling you that you're not capable. Never let anyone tell or suggest that there's no path.

You may fail, but that doesn't mean you've failed. Failure can make you stronger. To learn more. To push harder.

Failure is just another step in the journey to success.

Get started today! Do something today that will move you closer to your dream.

Are you still waiting?

What motivates entrepreneurs?

Passion is what drives us. However, we are driven by passion and a strong desire to create meaningful things that make a real difference. To make a difference for ourselves and our loved ones.

To give back. To help others. To leave behind a legacy.

We do it because we love what we do. Because we feel compelled by God to live our lives fully and succeed in things that matter.

We are driven by a sense of purpose and mission that can never be fulfilled through money alone.

The key here is to find a way to combine business with pleasure. Entrepreneurship can be more than a career; it's a lifestyle.

It is this passion that I have for helping entrepreneurs succeed. My goal in helping entrepreneurs achieve financial freedom and make a lasting difference in the world is my goal.

I am living proof that creating value is better than anything. The sharing of your knowledge and expertise to the rest.

It's more than enough to make a product or service great. Understanding your customers and their needs is key. What they are looking.

You'll always be able to improve your offerings if you do. This will ensure that you always offer more value.

And if you provide more value, you will gain more customers. You will also sell more products and more services if you have more customers. More customers will mean more revenue. In the end, financial independence is possible if you are able to generate more revenue.

You see, money does not always equal everything. It is the means to an ending. It is not the end in and of itself.

You cannot only focus on your money if you want to have a happy life. Making a positive contribution is what you must do. Contributing. Leave a lasting legacy. It is creating something of value. It's something that is unique. You can add meaning to others' lives and your own.

Entrepreneurship requires risk-taking. It does not require following set rules. Flexible means being open to change. Adapting. Adjusting. Improving.

You won't fail if you are true to yourself, your values and your integrity.

Entrepreneurship should be considered a calling. A vocation. The chance to give back. To build wealth. To influence history.

These are the things that will make you the best version you can be.

You will not be stopped.

What are five key factors that motivate entrepreneurs?

Motivation is key to success. Without it, nothing could happen. We wouldn't exist without it.

Motivational psychology studies how people behave when they are motivated. When motivated, we do amazing things. But it's also clear that there are limits to our motivation.

The five most important motivational factors are:

  1. Autonomy - The freedom to choose
  2. Mastery - the ability to master skills
  3. Purpose – The sense of purpose
  4. Relatedness - The feeling of belonging
  5. Reciprocity is the willingness to give back

These motivators may seem like they could be used to motivate your business. However, each perspective is a little different about why people do what they do.

For example, an individual might seek autonomy because he wants to live his way. Or he might want to mastery because he wants more skill at his job.

You can go on and on. These are just a few possible motivations. There are many more. But which ones are relevant to your particular situation? This is entirely up to you.

In order to find out, I'd recommend writing down three words that describe your ideal work environment. Next, use those words to describe your current working conditions.

If you struggle to come up with ideas, simply ask yourself why are you doing this. You will find your goals when you know the answer.

Once you know what you want, you can begin to figure out where you stand right now. You can use that information to determine if it is time for you to make changes.

If you don't want to change anything, then it's time to evaluate your options.

If you want to make changes, you need to think of ways to motivate you.

Which motivator will be most effective? It's hard not to say. Instead of focusing solely on one factor instead, you should focus on all five.

This will allow you to achieve your ultimate goal, becoming a successful entrepreneur.

What motivations are there for entrepreneurs?

There are three main types of motivation for entrepreneurs. Each type has its own set of strengths and weaknesses.

External motivation is the most common. It's where someone wants to make more money. This motivation is usually triggered by financial concerns.

External motivation is driven primarily by personal interests, ambitions, and desires. This type of motivation is very goal-oriented.

This is a rare form of motivation. Internal motivation is rare. They don't necessarily seek wealth, but instead pursue other goals like self-development and fulfillment or service to others.

People with internal motivation often call themselves "passionate" because it is easy to find satisfaction in their work.

Finally, intrinsic motivation is the least common kind of motivation. Intrinsic motivation refers only to people who are motivated by the satisfaction and enjoyment that comes from working towards a particular goal.

Motivation from within is stronger than external motivation.

Motivation comes from within. It is based in the belief that each person has certain talents or abilities. These talents and abilities enable them to achieve feats that no other person could ever do.

Feeling fulfilled and satisfied when you realize your talents and abilities is a sign of happiness. It feels like we are doing meaningful work.

In essence, intrinsic motivation is what makes you happy. The joy that comes from knowing we can accomplish whatever we set our minds on is intrinsic motivation.

This sense of accomplishment is what keeps us going when things get tough.

In fact, if you don't enjoy what you're doing, then why bother doing it at all?

If you want to know more about entrepreneur motivation, click here.

What are the motivations of an entrepreneur

Entrepreneurs have three primary motivations: freedom, money, knowledge.

  1. Freedom means being able to do what you like whenever you like. This is why we are entrepreneurs even if our current job or situation restricts us.
  2. We wouldn't consider opening a business without money. Although we can survive without food and water, we cannot live without money.
  3. Knowledge is the third motivation. Entrepreneurship requires that we continue to learn. That is why we frequently find ourselves reading books and attending seminars.

This is what drives us towards our goals and success. It gives meaning and purpose to our lives.

These three elements are why we became entrepreneurs. These three things are what keep us going each day.

If any of these three items are missing, it's possible to pack up and move home. If we don't have these three things, we won't ever be truly happy.

Why is motivation important for an entrepreneur?

Motivation is the fuel that drives us forward when we feel stuck or lost. It gives us the power to face our fears.

Motivation is also an important factor in achieving success. When we lack motivation, we become lazy, unmotivated, unproductive, and ultimately unsuccessful.

Finding ways to motivate yourself is key to unlocking your potential. It is important to find a way that motivates you throughout the day.

Think of it as a muscle. The harder you exercise it the stronger it gets. If it's not exercised, it will begin to weaken.

Self-motivated entrepreneurs are the best. They set goals, plan how they'll achieve them, then follow through.

However, there will be times when motivation is needed. These are three simple steps that will help you stay motivated.

Step 1) Get inspired. Find an inspiration figure. Someone who is already achieving your goals.

Step 2) Set small goals. Make sure that each goal is reachable. Focus on the next step rather than the ultimate result. Breaking down big goals into smaller steps will help you reach them quicker.

Step 3: Reward your self. When you achieve your goals, reward yourself. A reward doesn't have to be material; it could simply be taking time to do something fun.

Motivation is a choice. Choose to be happy and to succeed, and to live an abundant life.

Get started today if your goal is to make positive changes in your daily life. The first step to making a change is to choose to do so. Next, you must take action. Start living your dreams right now.


  • Our 10 years of research also shows that 75% of mentored entrepreneurs increased their revenue, and 82% of their businesses survived the first two years. (
  • According to analysts, Johnson has high appeal in all four quadrants tracked at the multiplex: male, female, over-25 and under-25. (
  • “Life is 10% what happens to you and 90% how you react to it.” (
  • That means for $150,000, you could have bought 10 percent of Airbnb." (
  • “Effective communication is 20% what you know and 80% how you feel about what you know. (

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How To

What are five motivating factors for entrepreneurs?

Entrepreneurs are motivated by the desire to become financially independent. Because they want to be in control of their destiny, this is the main motivation for entrepreneurs. They also want enough money to support their families and provide for their own needs.

They are also driven by the desire to assist others. Many people who run successful businesses don't do it to make a lot of money, but rather for charitable reasons.

In addition to these factors, there are other motivations, such as

  1. Passion - Passion is the key to success. If you don't enjoy what you do, why would anyone else?
  2. Vision – A vision is a picture of where you want to go. As we dream, we visualize ourselves there. When we dream, we feel excited because our dreams could become a reality.
  3. Courage – Don’t be afraid of failure. Face it head-on. While failure is inevitable, it doesn't mean you have to fail. You can achieve success by pushing yourself forward, even though it's not always possible.
  4. Believe in yourself. You can't allow doubt to stop you from achieving what you want. Fear is often the cause of doubt. Fear keeps us stuck in our comfort zone. Get out of your comfort zone to reach your goals.
  5. Persistence – Never stop trying, no matter what the odds may seem. Everyone fails sometimes. You will eventually achieve your goal if you persevere.

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