AI and the Future of Design: Is There Still a Future in Graphic Design?

AI and the Future of Design: Is There Still a Future in Graphic Design?

From $5 logo designs to websites like Canva to artificial intelligence is there still a future in graphic design?

Is Artificial Intelligence Taking Over the Design Industry?

Artificial Intelligence is rapidly changing the landscape of the design industry as we know it. Many creatives believe that it’s just the beginning of the end for designers, and that mindset of resistance to this technology will leave you in the dust if you are slow to adapt.

For over a decade stock websites have been giving creatives a shortcut to the creative process, eliminating hours and hours of creating basic design elements like photos, videos, and illustrations from scratch.

Yet you never hear anyone talking about how stock websites are ruining the design industry, so why is that?

The truth many of us hate to admit is that time is the most valuable thing that we possess as human beings; it’s a finite and limited resource that we can’t create more of.

Here’s a great example: Imagine if you had to create every font, photo, or illustration from scratch- would you charge your client more money and would the quality of your design improve?

The answer is clearly no, based on the fact that millions of dollars are being generated by creatives just in the stock graphics niche alone. So, why should AI be any different?

I’m not here to debate the morals and ethics of AI- I want to talk about facts and how we can use AI as a tool to streamline the design process, save ourselves time, and give our clients the best end result possible.

The people that adopt this technology first and use it properly will become “pioneers” in the design industry, using a technology that will only continue to grow and evolve in good and bad ways whether we like it or not.

Those of you who stay rooted in your limiting beliefs about AI being bad for the design industry will stay exactly where you are now or even worse, move backwards.

Like the famous quote by William S. Burroughs says “When you stop growing you start dying.” I’m not saying that it’s not going to be uncomfortable but change never is and you either adapt and evolve or you resist and regress.

Breaking the Time Barrier

When I started my career as a rookie graphic designer in 2005 we did not have stock graphics like we have access to now.

In fact, the only thing we did have was clip art and it was terrible! I was designing on MS paint because there was no way I was going to be able to afford an iMac. Everything I designed was from scratch and my idea of stock images was Google Images which at the time I had no clue was unethical.

It wasn’t until I learned about Photoshop, thanks to my brother, that I stopped using paint to design flyers and logos. I spent thousands of hours of my life downloading countless images from Google and photoshopping all types of designs and graphics, mostly for print, like business cards, flyers, and brochures.

I did it out of necessity because the image I had envisioned didn’t exist to just download so I had to create it.

I learned to essentially paint with images in photoshop which helped me dramatically when it came to learning how to design for the web. 17 years later and after 9 of those now using stock graphics I can tell you first hand that I would not have the financial success I have today without it. It’s made me hundreds of thousands of dollars and helped build a creative business that’s generated over 100 million dollars in revenue.

AI will be an exponentially larger opportunity, mark my words, and it will be a daily reality of life.

Ideas that come to your mind will come to life instantaneously and your creative flair will create things even better than what you imagined in seconds. One of the most valuable pieces I see is the speed of implementation of information.

Streamlining the design process will be about taking existing designs and making them better, faster.

If I want to create a line of t-shirts for my Motocross Brand and I creatine original design of a guy on a dirtbike shooting a rooster tail from the back tire, then I can upload that art to MidJourney and have 4 different and better designs in a matter of seconds with just the click of a mouse! Think of the hours saved!!!

AI and the Future of Design: Is There Still a Future in Graphic Design?

From an Idea to Real World Application in Seconds

The speed of ideas being brought to life will be unlike anything we’ve ever seen, almost like thinking something into existence.

Be careful though, like Stock images the AI design tools will be just that, a tool, and if it is overused and abused, it will blend into the noise, and I promise you there will be more noise than ever.

If you’re only using Stock graphics in your designs and never using your creative flair or heart, then you will look and feel unoriginal and be overlooked.

I was recently on a phone call with a fellow creative Wes Frick, a renowned outdoor billboard advertising designer who’s been sharing some incredible AI art recently. I asked him what his take on AI was and he enthusiastically shared with me:

“AI art is a powerful tool that both clients and artists should use to formulate their ideas and bring them to life easily.”

In just a few minutes, while on the call, Wes made at least 16 different designs for me.

So let’s hypothesize here for a moment…

If I charge a flat rate of $250 for a design, let’s say it’s a t-shirt design, and the client wants 12 designs, that project would typically take a minimum of 2-4 hours of my time. So, at the bare minimum that’s 12 hours of work for $3k. If you divide that per hour that’s $125 hour minimum. Not bad right?

Now let’s say I use an AI design tool like Midjourney. I can make just one unique design and get 12 unique images that are just as good, in under 10 seconds. How much does that now make you per hour? Could you lower your prices, reduce turnaround time, or improve profitability?

The good news is you can do both if you use AI technology as a tool- it now becomes a win-win win for everyone.

At the end of the day the most valuable thing to the client is that the design problem they have is being solved at the highest level and quality possible, regardless if it was designed with AI or without it.

A Question Well Asked is a Problem Half Solved

How you communicate your vision to AI design tools is the skill you will need to improve on. The better the question you ask- the better the answer (design) these tools will return. If you ask for a banana this tool will just create a basic image of a banana by itself.

If you ask it to make a large green banana on a sunny tropical beach that’s in the hand of a monkey who is handing it to his monkey girlfriend that looks like an oil painting from the 1920’s that’s exactly what it will give you.

Can AI replace graphic designers? Here's an image created from Midjourney
First image draft of the inquiry above input into Midjourney.

The biggest limitation to the design is in how you communicate it to the tool you are using. This will be the creative flair needed to make something truly unique and memorable.

The biggest limitation to the design is in how you communicate it to the tool you are using. This will be the creative flair needed to make something truly unique and memorable.

The other part that is so unique is that it learns as you go along, taking information from your previous questions and solving the problem even better each time.

As you get your first design back you will notice things that you wish you would have added or that are missing entirely and you will be able to make iterations to that design simply by rewording or better communicating what it is that you want.

It’s this continued clarity of vision that will power the growth engine for AI. As it produces more it learns more, and that puts us in the driver’s seat for how this technology can be used to improve the creative process. You will have to identify the problem, diagnose it, then be able to effectively communicate the solution you are looking for to the AI in order for it to solve the problem.

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AI Will Replace Some Designers

Yes, people will lose their jobs to AI. Companies will cut their expenses and implement cost effective tools to save themselves money.

In my opinion this is going to shine a light on the designers that have been hiding in the shadows who were in it for the wrong reasons. Essentially shaking out the loose hands and exposing the people who are doing it for just the money instead of creative impact.

I believe it will reward the truly passionate designers that love creating the best design possible for their clients, regardless of the tools that are being used to do it. Their initial investment into the creative process will become better and the designs will stand out from everyone else.

Ever heard of a “Happy Accident” this is what I refer to as Creative Flair. Some of my favorite designs came to life from me accidentally hitting the wrong key on my keyboard, and altering my design in a way that actually makes it look better unintentionally. AI can’t replicate human creativity and flawed nature, it runs on rules!

Communication is everything when it comes to AI.

In order to connect with people we have to possess empathy. To be a great communicator you need to understand human psychology, emotions, and culture.

An AI can’t have a heart to converse, be vulnerable, or understand what it’s like to grow up in a broken home experiencing trauma, and hurts that influence the way you think about life or how we make decisions.

The only people that will be replaced are the ones that dig their feet in and bury their heads in the sand as this becomes more of a way of life and business. They will pass up on opportunities, and opportunities won’t even come their way because of their close mindedness.

All for what, our ego, or some “greater good” virtue we let ourselves believe is more important than us having success?

AI Will Help Good Designers Become Great Designers

The people that will benefit the most from this unstoppable force that is AI are those who go all in, learn the platforms, and implement it in a way that is most authentic to their wants and needs.

Designers will spend more time making their main designs better so they can produce multiple unique designs that are just as good as the original or better and that will be hard to compete with!

Creative flair, out of the box thinking, problem solving, and communication skills are going to become more valuable than ever. I believe that this will push us to be more innovative, and break the rules of what we think good design looks like in all disciplines.

My advice to you: Focus on stacking skills that will improve your creativity, help build stronger relationships, become a better problem solver, and become your best and most authentic you possible.

Key Takeaways from The Future of Design

Up to this point the design industry has seen countless changes, websites like fiverr have made the design industry and many industries for that matter more competitive, AI will be yet another innovation that challenges and changes the landscape of graphic design in various ways.

Designers will need to become more creative, and learn better problem solving skills by asking better and better questions.

If you overuse, get lazy, and don’t use ai properly you will blend into the noise of everyone else trying to make a quick buck. This is your chance to do your best work ever and then use AI to enhance your art beyond what you thought was possible.

Lastly, it’s unavoidable that AI will become mainstream in design and people that resist it will regret it. Ai will only be used more frequently as time goes on and it will be a part of our daily life as designers in the future..

AI and the Future of Design: Is There Still a Future in Graphic Design?

The post AI and the Future of Design: Is There Still a Future in Graphic Design? appeared first on DigitalMarketer.

Frequently Asked Questions

Motivation is important for entrepreneurs.

Motivation is what keeps us moving forward even when we feel discouraged or lost. It gives us the power to face our fears.

Motivation is also a driving force behind success. Lack of motivation can cause us to become lazy, unmotivated or unproductive, ultimately leading to our failure.

To unlock your potential, you must find ways to motivate. It is important to find a way that motivates you throughout the day.

Think of it as a muscle. The harder you exercise it the stronger it gets. It begins to weaken and atrophy when it isn't exercised.

Some of the most successful entrepreneurs are self-motivated. They set goals, plan how they'll achieve them, then follow through.

You may find yourself struggling to stay motivated at times. These three steps will keep you motivated.

Step 1) Get inspired. Find someone whose example inspires you. Someone who has already achieved what you want.

Step 2: Set small goals. Be realistic about each goal. The next step is more important than the end result. You'll be able reach your goals faster if you break down large goals into smaller ones.

Step 3) Reward yourself. Give yourself rewards when you've completed your goals. Reward doesn't necessarily have to be tangible; it could be simply taking the time to do something enjoyable.

Motivation is a choice. Choose happiness, choose success, and live a full life.

So if you want to change your life, start today. It is important to take the first step and decide to change. Then take action. You can start living the life of your dreams now.

How can entrepreneurs motivate their employees.

Motivation can come from anywhere. Motivation doesn't have to come from a specific place. All that matters is that it motivates them. Motivation is essential for any business, no matter how it comes in the form of a carrot or stick approach.

A motivated employee is more likely to be productive and happy. If you want a team that performs better, give them the tools to feel empowered and engaged.

You need to create an environment where they feel valued. You need to create a place where they feel safe and respected. They can share their ideas freely without fear of being punished.

They need a company culture that encourages them to succeed. This is how you keep your top talent happy, productive, and loyal.

To maintain the culture, you need to reward those behaviors that help you succeed. This means bonuses when goals are met, offering training opportunities, increasing pay raises, and providing perks such as health insurance.

It is important to communicate clearly and provide direction. You must ensure that everyone understands the expectations and reasons for them.

Make sure that your policies and procedures have been written down. It is important that you designate someone to ensure that your policies and procedures are being followed.

Communicate often, and that's the most important thing. Keep your team up to date about what's happening within the company. Let them know what's happening and what's next.

Communication is vital. Looking after your team is the best way for you to stay ahead of the game. They will take care of your needs.

If you don't build a strong relationship with your employees, it could be costly. Studies have shown that high employee engagement results in higher productivity and profitability for companies than those that struggle to retain top performers.

It's important that employees understand that they don't all want to work at the exact same pace. Some prefer to work independently while others like to work in a team. You can motivate anyone in many different ways.

Some may be more inclined to accept recognition than others. Whatever you find works best for you, make sure it's in alignment with the company’s goals.

As the leader, you are responsible for setting the tone. Be open-minded. Listen to your team. Remember, you have to do it yourself if you want it done correctly.

What keeps an entrepreneur motivated?

Freedom to pursue my goals is my biggest motivator. The world we live in has limits on what people can save, earn, invest, buy and consume. These limits do not apply to us. We have the freedom to follow our dreams and make them a reality.

These limitations cannot be allowed to control us. We can't allow ourselves to be enslaved by these limitations. We are the captains of our ships. We are the architects to our lives.

I am motivated by the desire to create wealth beyond all my wildest fantasies. To build businesses that transcend life. To create businesses that transform the lives of people forever.

To create more powerful businesses than any government, more influential than any religion, and more enduring than time itself.

That's what keeps me here. I am determined to help entrepreneurs grow businesses faster than anyone else. Because success is for everyone.

What motivates entrepreneurs?

We are motivated by passion. We also have a natural desire to make a difference and create something meaningful. To make a lasting difference for our loved one and ourselves.

To give back. To help others. To leave behind a legacy.

Most importantly, though, we do it because we enjoy doing it. We are driven to live a full life and enjoy success in the ways that matter.

We are driven by a sense of purpose and mission that can never be fulfilled through money alone.

The key here is to find a way to combine business with pleasure. This is where entrepreneurship becomes more than just a job; it is a lifestyle.

It is this passion that I have for helping entrepreneurs succeed. My goal is for them to be financially free and have a lasting impact in the world.

I'm living proof of the fact that creating value is the best. It's sharing your knowledge with the rest.

It is not enough to create a great product. You must first understand what drives your customers, and what they need. They want what they need.

This will ensure that you always improve your offering. And therefore, you'll always provide more value.

Customers will be more satisfied if you offer more value. And if you gain more customers, you will sell more products and services. Plus, you'll generate more revenue if your products and services are more popular. And if you generate more revenue, you will eventually become financially independent.

You see, money isn't everything. It's the means to an end. Not the end in itself.

If you want to live a rich and fulfilling life, don't just focus on the money. You must also focus on making a positive impact. Contributing. Leave a legacy. Create something unique. You create something unique. Something that adds meaning to your life and the lives of other people.

Entrepreneurship requires risk-taking. It doesn't necessarily mean that you have to follow certain rules. Flexibility is what it means. Adapting. Adjusting. Improving.

You won't fail if you are true to yourself, your values and your integrity.

Entrepreneurship is a calling. A vocation. A chance to make a difference. To create wealth. To make history.

If you embrace these things, you'll be the best you.

You will never stop.

What are the five most important motivators for entrepreneurs?

Motivation is the key to success. Without it, nothing would happen. We wouldn't exist without it.

Motivational psychology studies the behavior of people when they are motivated. When motivated, we do amazing things. It's clear, however, that motivation has limits.

The five most important motivational factors are:

  1. Autonomy - the freedom to choose
  2. Mastery - The ability to master skills
  3. Purpose - The sense of purpose
  4. Relatedness - The feeling of belonging
  5. Reciprocity - the desire to give back

These motivators may be able to be applied to your company. You may feel that each of these motivators could be applied to your business. However, each offers a slightly unique perspective on why people act the same way.

A person may desire autonomy because he wants freedom and control over his life. Perhaps he seeks mastery in order to excel at his job.

You could go on. These are just a few of the possible motivations. There are many more. What are the most appropriate for your particular situation? All of that depends on you.

I would recommend writing down three words that describe your ideal job environment to help you determine this. These words can then be applied to your current working environment.

If you are having trouble coming up ideas, ask yourself "Why am I doing it?" If you can't think of any ideas, ask yourself: "Why am I doing this?" This will help identify your goals.

Once you've identified your goals, it is possible to begin to assess where you are at the moment. This knowledge will help you decide if you should make any changes.

If you don’t wish to change anything, then it’s time to consider your options.

To make progress, however, you must first think about ways to motivate your self.

Which motivator will be most effective? It's hard not to say. Instead of focusing on one factor, try focusing on all five.

This will enable you to reach your ultimate goal: being a successful entrepreneur.

What are the different motivations for entrepreneurs?

Entrepreneurs can choose from three types of motivation. Each type is unique and has its strengths, as well as its weaknesses.

External motivation is the most common. It's where someone wants to make more money. This motivation is usually triggered by financial concerns.

External motivation is driven by personal interest, ambition, and desire. This type motivation is more goal-oriented.

This is a rare form of motivation. Internal motivation is rare. They don't necessarily seek wealth, but instead pursue other goals like self-development and fulfillment or service to others.

People with internal motivation often call themselves "passionate" because it is easy to find satisfaction in their work.

Finally, intrinsic motivation is the least common kind of motivation. Intrinsic motivation is a person who finds enjoyment and satisfaction working towards achieving a goal.

Intrinsic motivation is a much stronger motivator than either external or internal motivation.

Motivation comes from within. It's based on the belief in certain talents and abilities. These abilities and talents allow them to achieve things that no one else could.

Feeling fulfilled and satisfied when you realize your talents and abilities is a sign of happiness. It makes us feel that we are doing valuable work.

In essence, intrinsic motivation is what makes you happy. It is knowing we can do anything we put our mind to. This makes us happy.

It is this feeling of accomplishment that keeps us going even when the going gets tough.

You might even find it boring if you don’t enjoy what your doing.

Click here to learn more about the motivation of entrepreneurs.


  • “Life is 10% what happens to you and 90% how you react to it.” (
  • “Effective communication is 20% what you know and 80% how you feel about what you know. (
  • I shifted my motivational point from something huge (and undefined) to improve by just 1% each day. (
  • That means for $150,000, you could have bought 10 percent of Airbnb." (
  • "Most of the time when people ask me about motivation, 80 percent of the time, I attribute it to gratitude. (

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How To

Here are 10 ways to motivate employees

Motivating your employees is one of the most difficult things you'll ever do. This requires patience, perseverance, sacrifice, effort, and a lot of effort. You must understand how to motivate people and make them want to work hard.

It is impossible to motivate someone if they don't know why. If you have no idea why he/she wants to change something, then you can do nothing to help him/her. This article will teach you how to motivate employees through a variety methods.

1. Make Your Employees Feel Important -Letting them know that they are important is one of your best motivators. They will feel special and valued when they have this feeling. They should believe that they are doing an excellent job and that their efforts are valued.

2. Give them recognition - People appreciate being acknowledged. They are happier if they get it more often. Recognize your employees from time to again if you want them to be motivated.

3. Respect them - Respect is an important component of any relationship. To motivate someone effectively, you must first respect them. Respecting others is a way to show that you value them.

4. Be open with them -Openness is an excellent way to motivate people. If you are open with your employees, it encourages them learn new things. They feel proud and happy when they learn new information.

5. Reward excellence - People who do good work are encouraged to work harder. However, it is important to verify that they did a good work before you reward them.

6. Set Clear Goals -Setting clear goals helps motivate your employees by giving them something to aim for. Setting goals gives employees motivation and helps them become better workers.

7. Tell Your Employees What's Up - You may feel that telling your employees all about the company's plans and objectives would waste their time. It can be a powerful way to motivate employees. It helps them to know where they should be focusing next by telling them about the company’s plans.

8. Give feedback - Feedback is a great way to increase employee morale. Even though giving feedback takes some time, it's worth it.

9. You can motivate your employees by letting them know the name of their boss. You will make sure they are well-informed and know where they can go to get help.

10. Ask for help - Last but not least, asking for assistance is a great way to motivate your employees. Asking them for help lets them know they can count on you. They know you care about them, and they trust you.