5 Ways Marketing Strategy Will Set You Free

5 Ways Marketing Strategy Will Set You Free

Imagine this: You’re a marketer, and you’re constantly chasing the next big thing. You’re always on the lookout for the latest trend, the newest platform, the freshest idea. You’re running on a hamster wheel of “on-demand” marketing, and it’s exhausting.

You’re always reacting, never planning. You’re always behind, never ahead. Sound familiar?

Now, what if I told you there’s a better way? A way to break free from the relentless cycle of on-demand marketing and step into a world where you’re in control. A world where you’re not just reacting to the latest trend, but setting the trend.

A world where you’re not just keeping up, but leading the pack.

Welcome to the world of strategic marketing. A world where you set 90-day plans and watch as your marketing efforts become more efficient, more effective, and more freeing. A world where you’re not just a marketer, but a marketing revolutionary.

In this article, we’re going to explore five ways strategic marketing can set you free. We’re going to show you how to stop reacting and start planning. How to stop chasing and start leading. How to start your own marketing revolution.

Ready to break free? Let’s dive in.

Meet Hazel & Hems

5 Ways Marketing Strategy Will Set You Free

Hazel & Hems Boutique: the customer avatar is a woman in her mid-20s to early 40s that has an eclectic taste in fashion, wants to stay up to date with the latest trends, and is also sensitive to sustainability and local business support.

Their core product is a locally sourced, polished stone bracelet that is affordable and only sold for limited time periods.

Hazel & Hems was created as a case study for us to explore the process of creating a brand from the ground up and everything that is involved with it. This was a building block for creating our Social Media Mastery Certification and Social Media Bootcamp.

Crystal Ball Marketing: Anticipating Trends and Behavior

Strategic marketing allows you to anticipate market trends and customer behavior, reducing the element of surprise in your campaigns.

For example, Hazel & Hems, being a sustainable clothing boutique, could anticipate the rise in demand for sustainable fashion due to increasing environmental awareness.

By strategically planning their marketing around Earth Day, they could capitalize on this trend and drive more sales during this period.

Streamlined Success: The Art of Efficient Marketing

By planning ahead, you can streamline your marketing efforts and eliminate wasteful practices.

Hazel & Hems, for instance, could plan a year-long marketing calendar that aligns with fashion seasons and major holidays.

This would allow them to prepare their campaigns in advance, allocate resources more efficiently, and avoid last-minute, costly marketing efforts.

The Harmony of Branding: Consistent Messaging Across Platforms

A strategic plan ensures your marketing messages are consistent across all platforms, reinforcing your brand identity.

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Hazel & Hems could ensure that their messaging about sustainability and boho-chic fashion is consistent across their website, social media, email newsletters, and in-store displays.

This consistency would strengthen their brand identity and make them more recognizable to their target audience.

Customer-Centric Conquests: Tailoring Marketing to Your Audience

By understanding your target audience, you can tailor your marketing efforts to their needs and preferences, improving customer satisfaction.

Hazel & Hems, knowing their target audience is environmentally conscious professional women aged 25 to 35, could tailor their marketing messages to highlight their sustainable practices, quality materials, and versatile designs that are perfect for both work and leisure.

They could also host events or workshops on sustainable living, further aligning with their customers’ values.

Spotlight Strategies: Boosting Your Brand’s Visibility

A strategic plan can boost your brand’s visibility and recognition in the market.

Hazel & Hems could partner with local eco-friendly events or influencers who align with their brand values to increase their visibility.

5 Ways Marketing Strategy Will Set You Free

They could also run a strategic social media campaign, using targeted ads and relevant hashtags to reach a wider audience and increase brand awareness.

The Loyalty Loop: Keeping Customers Coming Back for More

By focusing on customer needs and satisfaction, strategic marketing can improve customer loyalty and retention.

Hazel & Hems could implement a loyalty program that rewards repeat customers with discounts or exclusive access to new collections.

They could also use email marketing to keep customers informed about new products, sales, and company news, keeping Hazel & Hems top of mind and encouraging repeat purchases.

How Do You Make a REAL Strategy for Your Marketing?

Creating success is as easy as 1, 2, 3… here’s how we can help!

Are you looking to get more sales? Clicks? Engagement? If you want to improve your digital marketing, you need to understand the Customer Value Journey (CVJ). The Customer Value Journey is an 8-step path that people travel as they discover your brand, build a relationship with you, and become buyers and raving fans.

Alongside the CVJ, advance your career with an internationally recognized certification in digital marketing strategy. Learn the eight critical disciplines (content, advertising, social media, and more) to becoming a full-stack marketer. Get certified as a Digital Marketing Strategist and discover your path to becoming a full-stack marketer.


The post 5 Ways Marketing Strategy Will Set You Free appeared first on DigitalMarketer.

Frequently Asked Questions

How can entrepreneurs motivate staff?

Motivation can come anyplace. Motivation can come from anywhere. Motivation is important for every business, regardless of whether it's a stick or carrot approach.

Employees who feel motivated are more likely to do well. To make your team more productive, empower and engage them.

You must create an environment that makes them feel valued. They need to feel valued and able to learn. You can let them share your ideas and not fear of punishment.

You create a culture that allows employees to thrive and achieve their goals. This is how you keep your top talent happy, productive, and loyal.

To keep the culture alive, reward people who help you succeed. This could include giving bonuses for reaching goals, offering training opportunities and providing perks, such as health insurance.

It is important to communicate clearly and provide direction. Everyone should know what's expected of him and why.

You must ensure that policies and procedures are clearly written and communicated. You should ensure that they are observed by someone.

Communicate often, and that's the most important thing. Keep your team up to date about what's happening within the company. Let your team know what's new and what's up.

Communication is crucial, and it is important to look after your team. They will take care of your needs.

You could end up spending a lot of money if your employees don't get along well. Studies show that companies with high levels of employee engagement enjoy higher productivity and profitability than those who struggle to retain their top performers.

It's important for employees to recognize that not everyone wants to work at a similar pace. Some prefer working alone while others love to collaborate. You can motivate anyone in many different ways.

Incentives may work better for some, but recognition might be appreciated by others. Whatever works for your company, ensure that it is consistent with its goals.

Ultimately, it's up to you as the leader to set the tone. Open-minded. Listen to your team. You have to listen to your team if you want it done right.

What are the three motivations for an entrepreneur?

Entrepreneurs have three major motivations: money, freedom, and knowledge.

  1. Freedom means having the ability to do whatever you want whenever you want. This is why entrepreneurs can be free from the constraints of our job or current life.
  2. Money is also very important because we would not even consider starting a business without it. We can survive without food, water, and shelter, but not without money.
  3. However, knowledge is the third motivation. Entrepreneurship demands that we constantly learn. This is why we read books, attend seminars, take online courses and learn how to create products.

This is what drives us to succeed and achieve goals. It gives purpose and meaning to our lives.

These are the three main reasons we started our business. These three things are what keep us going each day.

These three things might be the reason we pack up and leave. Without these three items, we will never truly be happy.

What is your greatest motivation?

So you're curious about my best motivation in life? Let me tell, you. To help others feel better about themselves is my greatest motivation. To make them realize that they are amazing, because they are. They are worthy love, for they are.

They deserve happiness because they are.

I'm here reminding people that being happy about yourself is the most important thing. Nothing. I will do what it takes to make our world better.

Because when we feel good about ourselves, we become more open minded and compassionate towards those around us. It's a great thing to stop judging others based on superficiality. Instead, we start to see the person inside.

The most powerful way to motivate someone is to show them that they already have everything they need within themselves.

It may be something they didn't realize, but it's why they've been struggling for so long with something. Because they knew deep down within they had the power and ability to heal themselves.

They needed the right environment. The right support system. And the right mindset. However, they forgot to see that.

It is not their fault they lost sight of it. They were too busy trying solve the problem. They were desperate to fix it and didn't realize that they actually had all the necessary tools.

They also forgot to mention that the main reason they couldn’t solve it was because the answer wasn’t in their heads.

This is why I remind you that you can create something entirely new. It is easy to tap into your inner genius.

All will be well once you do that. You will be amazed at the ease it takes to fulfill your dreams.

I believe every human being is endowed with their own superpower.

We just have to learn how to use it.

How to Motivate Yourself as an Entrepreneur?

Finding someone who is motivated to do the same thing as you is the best way to motivate yourself. Ask someone who is working hard to achieve his goals how he did it.

Ask for advice, listen and learn, but most importantly, be sure to follow the advice. Look up successful people to emulate.

Be the person you want to be. Take their advice. Take their notes. Follow their example.

Keep moving. Keep moving. Never stop learning. Never give up.

Don't listen to anyone who tells you you are incapable. Never let anyone tell or suggest that there's no path.

You may fail, but that doesn't mean you've failed. Failure is an opportunity for growth. To find out more. To push harder.

Failure is just another step along the road to success.

Let's get started! Do something today that will move you closer to your dream.

You don't have to wait!

What motivates entrepreneurs?

Passion drives us. We also have a natural desire to make a difference and create something meaningful. To make a difference for our loved ones as well as ourselves.

To give back. To help others. To leave behind a legacy.

Most importantly, though, we do it because we enjoy doing it. Because we feel called to live life fully, and have success in the things that matter most.

We are driven by a sense and purpose that cannot be satisfied with money alone.

It is important to find a way that combines business and pleasure. This is where entrepreneurship becomes more than just a job; it is a lifestyle.

This is why I love helping entrepreneurs succeed. My goal, as an entrepreneur, is to enable them to reach financial freedom and leave a lasting legacy on the world.

I'm living proof of the fact that creating value is the best. And sharing your knowledge and expertise with the rest of the world.

It doesn't suffice to have a great product. You must first understand what drives your customers, and what they need. What they want.

It will make you a better marketer and help you improve your product. You will always be able to provide more value.

If you can offer more value, customers will come back. You will also sell more products and more services if you have more customers. You will also generate more revenue if you sell more services and products. In the end, financial independence is possible if you are able to generate more revenue.

Money is not everything. It is the means to an ending. It's not the end itself.

To truly live a rich, fulfilling life, you can't focus on just money. You must also focus on making a positive impact. Contributing. Leave a lasting legacy. You can create something that is valuable. Unique. It will add meaning to your life as well as the lives of others.

Entrepreneurship requires risk-taking. However, it does not mean following any set of rules. Flexibility is what it means. Adapting. Adjusting. Improving.

If you're true to yourself and hold onto your values and integrity, you will not fail.

Entrepreneurship should be considered a calling. A vocation. An opportunity to contribute. To build wealth. To influence history.

These are the things that will make you the best version you can be.

You won't be stopped.

What are the motivations behind entrepreneurs?

Entrepreneurs can choose from three types of motivation. Each type has its unique set of strengths as well as weaknesses.

External motivation is the most prevalent form of motivation. An individual wants more money. This motivation comes from financial concerns.

External motivation can be driven by personal passion, ambition, or desire. People with this type of motivation tend to be very goal oriented.

This is a rare form of motivation. Individuals with internal motivation do not necessarily seek out wealth; instead, they pursue other goals such as self-development, fulfillment, or service to others.

People with inner motivation are often called "passionate" when they find satisfaction in what they do.

Finally, intrinsic motivation is the least popular type of motivation. Individuals who find enjoyment and satisfaction in working towards a specific goal are called intrinsic motivation.

Intrinsic motivation is a much stronger motivator than either external or internal motivation.

The inner motivation is intrinsic. It is based on the belief that people have certain talents and abilities. These abilities and talents allow them to achieve things that no one else could.

Feeling fulfilled and satisfied when you realize your talents and abilities is a sign of happiness. We feel like we are doing important work.

In other words, intrinsic motivation is what makes us happy. It is knowing we can do anything we put our mind to. This makes us happy.

This sense of accomplishment is what keeps us going when things get tough.

In fact, if you don't enjoy what you're doing, then why bother doing it at all?

Click here to find out more about entrepreneurial motivation.


  • “Effective communication is 20% what you know and 80% how you feel about what you know. (americanexpress.com)
  • According to analysts, Johnson has high appeal in all four quadrants tracked at the multiplex: male, female, over-25 and under-25. (forbes.com)
  • Our 10 years of research also shows that 75% of mentored entrepreneurs increased their revenue, and 82% of their businesses survived the first two years. (carolroth.com)
  • “Life is 10% what happens to you and 90% how you react to it.” (oberlo.com)
  • “If you look to lead, invest at least 40% of your time managing yourself – your ethics, character, principles, purpose, motivation, and conduct. (americanexpress.com)

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How To

What are five motivational factors that entrepreneurs need to be successful?

The main motivation for entrepreneurs is to achieve financial independence. They want to take control of their fate. They also want enough money to support their families and provide for their own needs.

They are also motivated by the desire to help others. Most people who are successful in business don't do it for their own gain, but to help others.

There are many other motivators, in addition to the above.

  1. Passion - To succeed you must love what your do. If you don’t enjoy what your do, who would?
  2. Vision – A vision is a picture of where you want to go. We can imagine ourselves there when we dream. We are excited to dream because we know our dreams will come true.
  3. Courage - Never fear failure. Instead, face it with courage. Failing is inevitable but it doesn't have the power to define you. Although success is not guaranteed, it is possible to achieve your goals if you keep moving forward.
  4. Belief - Believe in yourself. Be positive and don't let doubt hold you back from reaching your goals. Doubt is often a result of fear. Fear keeps us stuck in our comfort zone. Move out of your comfort zones and work towards your goals.
  5. Persistence – Keep going, even when things seem impossible. Everybody makes mistakes. You will eventually achieve your goal if you persevere.