5 Tips You Can Use to Improve Your LinkedIn Marketing Strategy in 2023

5 Tips You Can Use to Improve Your LinkedIn Marketing Strategy in 2023

LinkedIn is a fantastic medium for extending your reach, positioning yourself as a thought leader, and building your personal brand.

However, to get the most out of this platform this coming year, you need to understand the key pillars required to create a winning LinkedIn marketing strategy. And that’s what this article is all about– here are 5 actionable tips you can integrate into your 2023 LinkedIn marketing strategy to make it stronger and more effective.

1. Original Content Over Links

Whether it’s a completely new post or something you’re repurposing from your website, original and fresh information is how to get an engaged audience that keeps coming back.

You want to avoid simply regurgitating links and info that’s posted outside of LinkedIn. For one, most social media platforms want to keep people on their sites. And second, it shows you’re a thought leader in your industry.

5 Tips You Can Use to Improve Your LinkedIn Marketing Strategy in 2023

If you want to get a feel of how this works, take a look at your favorite brands and personalities on the site to see the type of content they post. Heck, you can even check out my page for examples.

LinkedIn gives you all the tools you need. There are a variety of content types you can post to the platform, including blog posts and articles, video content like live sessions and interviews, case studies, and more.

2. Show Your Personality

Part of my philosophy is humanizing your marketing so you can create authentic relationships that translate to success and growth. LinkedIn was originally conceived as the “social media for professionals,” and, sure, it still is. However, that doesn’t mean you should trap yourself in a box where your content comes off bland and boring.

For your marketing strategy to be effective, it needs a relatable approach so your audience can connect with your brand on a personal level. If you have a funny bone and some wit, show it off!

5 Tips You Can Use to Improve Your LinkedIn Marketing Strategy in 2023

Of course, you want everything to align with your marketing messaging and your personal brand voice.

3. Leverage LinkedIn Analytics

As mentioned above, LinkedIn gives you plenty of solutions so you can be creative and post content through various mediums– blogs, videos, etc.

But LinkedIn also provides you with the tools to see how that content performs through LinkedIn Analytics. It gives you invaluable data such as how much engagement a post gets, how different times affect the post’s performance, whether or not your content is getting leads, and more.

5 Tips You Can Use to Improve Your LinkedIn Marketing Strategy in 2023

With this info, you can see how your marketing strategy is working and if it’s time to go full steam ahead or pivot and rethink your approach. And you should be constantly assessing the performance of your content and evolving your campaign so your marketing strategy is as effective as possible.

4. Figure Out Your Optimal Post Frequency

As with any social media platform, post consistency and frequency are key components for growth and success. Plus, the time of day when you post plays an important role in engagement too.

For example, brands that post regularly find that they see the most engagement from users typically during the morning or early afternoon. If you’re representing a large company, you can get away with a few posts a week. And if it’s your personal page, you can post every day if you want.

5 Tips You Can Use to Improve Your LinkedIn Marketing Strategy in 2023

Regardless, finding the right groove will take time and testing to get right.

5. Engage With Platform

Yes, you’re busy but don’t just post your content and go on about your day. Take some time to be active on the platform. Respond to comments on your posts, participate in discussions, and share info and resources with the rest of the community. When people see you’re an active member, they’re more apt to return the favor or remember you as someone with valuable info to share.

I know these 5 tips will take your 2023 marketing game to the next level on LinkedIn!

Thanks for reading,

Joshua B. Lee

5 Tips You Can Use to Improve Your LinkedIn Marketing Strategy in 2023

The post 5 Tips You Can Use to Improve Your LinkedIn Marketing Strategy in 2023 appeared first on DigitalMarketer.

Frequently Asked Questions

How to motivate yourself as an entrepreneur

Finding someone who is motivated to do the same thing as you is the best way to motivate yourself. Ask someone who is working hard for his goals about how they did it.

Ask for advice, listen and learn, but most importantly, be sure to follow the advice. Admire someone who is successful.

Do what it takes to be that person. Take their advice. Take notes. Follow their example.

Keep moving. Keep moving. Never stop learning. Never give up.

Never allow anyone to tell you that your abilities aren't possible. Never let anyone tell or suggest that there's no path.

Failure doesn't automatically mean that you are a failure. Failure can be an opportunity to learn and grow. To learn more. To push harder.

Failure is just another step on the road to success.

Get started today! Do something today that will move you closer to your dream.

Are you still waiting?

What keeps entrepreneurs motivated?

Freedom is my greatest motivator. There are limitations on how much people can earn, save and invest, buy, borrow, rent or drive, eat, sleep, play, and fly in this world. We are not subject to these limitations. We are free to pursue our dreams and make them come true.

We must not allow these limitations to dictate our lives. If we do this, we lose sight that we are the masters and controllers of our destiny. We are the captains for our ships. We are the architects and creators of our lives.

I am motivated by the desire to create wealth beyond all my wildest fantasies. To create businesses that have a greater impact than life itself. To create businesses that transform the lives of people forever.

To build more powerful businesses than any government and to be more influential than any religion.

That's why you're here. My goal is to help entrepreneurs grow their business faster than anyone else. Because when you succeed everyone wins.

What is your biggest motivation in life and why?

Are you curious about my top motivations in life? Let me tell ya. My best motivation in life is to help people feel better about themselves. To make them feel amazing because they are. They are worthy of love because they are.

They do deserve happiness.

I'm here to remind people that there is nothing more important than feeling great about yourself. Nothing. And I'm determined to make the world a better place.

Because when we feel good about ourselves, we become more open minded and compassionate towards those around us. We stop judging each other based on superficiality and instead start seeing the person inside, which is really cool.

The most powerful way to motivate someone is to show them that they already have everything they need within themselves.

While they might not realize it yet, this is why they have been struggling with something for so many years. Because deep down inside they knew they had the power to heal themselves.

They only needed the right environment and support system. However, they forgot to see that.

Why did they lose sight? They were too busy trying find the root cause of the problem. They were too busy trying to fix the problem, when they realized that they had all of the tools needed to solve it.

They didn't realize they were the ones who had the answer.

This is why I remind you that you can create something entirely new. To tap into your inner genius, all you need is to learn.

The rest will fall into place once you do. You will be amazed at the ease it takes to fulfill your dreams.

You see, I believe everyone has access to their own unique superpower.

It is up to us to master its use.

What motivates entrepreneurs?

Passion drives us. But we also have an innate desire to create something meaningful that makes a difference. To make a significant difference in our lives and the lives of those we love.

To give back. To help others. To leave behind a legacy.

Most importantly, though, we do it because we enjoy doing it. We are driven to live a full life and enjoy success in the ways that matter.

We are driven to fulfill a sense purpose and mission. This cannot be accomplished by money alone.

Find a way for business to be enjoyable. This is when entrepreneurship is more than a job.

This is why I am passionate about helping entrepreneurs become successful. My goal in helping entrepreneurs achieve financial freedom and make a lasting difference in the world is my goal.

I am living proof that creating value is better than anything. And sharing your knowledge and expertise with the rest of the world.

It is not enough to create a great product. You must first understand what drives your customers, and what they need. What they are looking.

Doing so will help you to always improve your offering. You'll provide more value.

And if you provide more value, you will gain more customers. Customers will buy more of your products and services, so you'll have more customers. You will also generate more revenue if you sell more services and products. And if you generate more revenue, you will eventually become financially independent.

Money is not everything. It's the means to an end. It's not an end in itself.

To truly live a rich, fulfilling life, you can't focus on just money. It is important to make a positive difference. Contributing. Leaving a legacy. Making something of value. You create something unique. Something that adds meaning to your life and the lives of other people.

Entrepreneurship requires risk-taking. However, it does not mean following any set of rules. Flexible means being open to change. Adapting. Adjusting. Improving.

You will succeed as long you are true and honest with yourself.

Entrepreneurship is a calling. A vocation. The chance to give back. To create wealth. To shape history.

These are the things that will make you the best version you can be.

You will be unstoppable.

Which 6 questions are most motivating for entrepreneurs?

Motivation is the foundation of any business. Without motivation, you won't make it out of bed each day. If you lack motivation, it will be difficult to complete your projects. You can't reach your goals without motivation. So, how do we find our motivation?

Perhaps you are asking yourself "What motivates?" But the answer might surprise you. You might have been asking the same question for many years. If you don't ask yourself this question, then you are missing out on one the greatest rewards of your life: the opportunity to discover your motivation.

Nothing is more motivating than knowing why you exist. When you discover what drives you, you can finally feel fulfilled. You will find your purpose clearer and more meaningful. What is your purpose? This will help you stay motivated.

Look within to find your motivation. These are your questions:

  1. What are my passions and interests?
  2. What makes my heart beat faster?
  3. What makes me feel alive?
  4. What gives me butterflies?
  5. What makes you feel alive to me?
  6. What keeps you coming back to your projects again and again?

Once you know your answers, you'll be able to identify your true motivations.

Your motivation can help you get through tough times. It will give you strength when you need it. It will motivate you to work harder. It will motivate you to succeed.

And if you're like me, you'll never stop wanting to know what your motivation is.

You might be surprised at what you find. You might be pleasantly surprised at what you uncover.

Why is motivation so important for entrepreneurs?

Motivation is what drives us forward when things seem difficult or hopeless. It gives us the strength to face our fears and make decisions that might seem risky or impossible.

Motivation is also a driving force behind success. Motivation is a driving force behind success. If we lack it, we can become laziness, unmotivated and unproductive, which ultimately leads to failure.

The key to unlocking your potential is to find ways to motivate yourself. It is important to find a way that motivates you throughout the day.

You can think of it as a muscle. It becomes stronger the more you exercise it. If it's not exercised, it will begin to weaken.

The most successful entrepreneurs are self motivated. They set goals, plan how to achieve them, and follow through.

You may find yourself struggling to stay motivated at times. Here are three simple steps to help you keep going.

Step 1) Get inspired. Look for someone who inspires you. Someone who is already achieving the things you dream of.

Step 2: Set small goals. Make sure each goal is achievable. Focus on the next step rather than the ultimate result. You'll be able reach your goals faster if you break down large goals into smaller ones.

Step 3 - Reward yourself Give yourself rewards when you've completed your goals. You don't need a reward to be material. It could be as simple as taking the time to do something that you enjoy.

Remember, motivation is a choice. Choose to be happy, to be successful, to live a fulfilled life.

You can make a difference in your life today. First, decide to make a change. Next, take action. Now is the time to live your dreams.


  • “Effective communication is 20% what you know and 80% how you feel about what you know. (americanexpress.com)
  • According to analysts, Johnson has high appeal in all four quadrants tracked at the multiplex: male, female, over-25 and under-25. (forbes.com)
  • "If you improve by just 1% every single day, in several months, you will have improved by 100%. (carolroth.com)
  • Our 10 years of research also shows that 75% of mentored entrepreneurs increased their revenue, and 82% of their businesses survived the first two years. (carolroth.com)
  • Invest at least 30% managing those with authority over you and 15% managing your peers.” (americanexpress.com)

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How To

Are You a TRUE Entrepreneur?

True entrepreneurs create value for their customers and themselves. He takes risks, he builds businesses, and he makes money.

He doesn't wait for someone to come along and give him an opportunity; he finds opportunities himself. He's a self-starter, a doer, a leader, and a winner.

A true entrepreneur can quickly make and execute decisions. He is able to see problems clearly and solve them creatively.

To him, there's no difference between business life and personal life. Entrepreneurship is not a job to him; it's a way for him to live.

True entrepreneurs are unafraid to fail. Failure is part of the journey to success. True entrepreneurs embrace change and thrive under pressure.

They are persistent in their pursuit for growth and success. They are passionate about what and how they do it because they create value.

They want to not only build successful businesses but also create happy lives for their families.

The next time you feel lost or unmotivated about whether it is worth starting your own company, consider this question:

"Am I a true entrepreneur?" If you answered yes, then go ahead and take action. If the answer is no, it may be time to rethink what you are doing in your career.