Ever since Vivek Ramaswamy declared his presidential run, people have been comparing him to me. And I get it. We’re both young (in political years in particular) with new ideas, tech-savvy, Asian and really, really good-looking.
I don’t agree with Vivek on a lot of things. I also don’t know him and haven’t spoken to him. But I vastly prefer him to, let’s say, the big orange frontrunner in the Republican field.
Running for president isn’t easy as a first-time politician. Trust me, I’d know. On top of that, Vivek will be facing Donald Trump, who doesn’t play by any rules and already has the support of his long-time loyalists.
So, in the spirit of helping a fellow techie beat Trump in the primary, here’s some advice, Vivek, to help you maximize your chances of winning the Republican nomination and squaring off with Joe Biden next fall.
1. Keep Saying Yes.
You are making your mark by saying yes to every media request that comes in and every group that wants to hear from you, from little podcasts to local New Hampshire political groups to late night cable news outlets. This is a great contrast to what other candidates will do with their careful and deliberate press strategies. You’re 37 years old. You can out-energy other candidates. Keep doing it. That’s how my campaign first gained momentum, and it will pay off for you as well.
2. Stay Positive.
Early in my campaign, someone said to me, “People can tell if you’re having a good time.” And if you’re having a good time, it rubs off on those around you. A lot of the other Republican candidates seem miserable. Their messages are of anger, grievance and despair. You can express emotion and urgency without being a drag to listen to or be around. You can out-positive other candidates, and that will attract voters who are tired of politicians’ fire-and-brimstone speeches.
3. Work the Referees.
It doesn’t matter as much in a Republican field, but there is a galaxy of folks who mediate what kind of coverage you get and what people say about you. I’m talking about the bloggers, the beltway journalists, the talking heads, the party county chairs in the early states, and the handful of local reporters left on the beat. One of the downsides of being new is that you don’t have as many relationships with these folks. It’s hard to move them into your column after one meeting. But you can make them neutral. You can keep checking in. And if you’re still in the field in January when others drop out, it will pay off.
4. Be Prepared for the Debates.
OK, here’s what I wish I had done differently. My team had me doing media appearances all the way up to debate day and on the day itself. This was a mistake. The debates are a whole different animal, and an opportunity to reach people who have never seen you before. You should treat them as such and take a break leading up to the first debate in August; prepare, get coached, practice and develop a different mode of expressing yourself. It’s not actually a debate — it’s a distributed competitive media appearance against a bunch of people who have been doing it for years and decades with moderators who will sideline you. If you go in without the right approach, it will show. Regardless of who else is on stage you have to leave viewers with a lasting memory or positive impression with the limited opportunities you’ll have.
5. Lean Into Memes.
Trump dominates memes. A lot of people see them. You are Internet-friendly, but most of the social media you put out are slick videos or snippets from media appearances. Amplify the homegrown efforts from your #Ramaswamaniacs. If you show them love, they will redouble their efforts and more will join them. I saw that firsthand when the #YangGang became a driving force behind my campaign. Someone once said, “He who wins the Internet wins everything.” Trump owns the Internet. If you change that you become a real threat.
6. Spend Money Early ... and Late.
Most of your competitors will be following the conventional wisdom that they should conserve their money until late in the game when the voting starts. They’ll also constantly be hustling for money to demonstrate viability and have credible quarterly reports. You are the most serious self-funder out there aside from Trump, who famously doesn’t like to spend his own money. With a reported net worth of $600 million, use it to buy advertising early, staff up, get bigger crowds, donate to local candidates and non-profits and make friends. Everyone likes a rich guy who is actually generous.

7. Emphasize Electability.
When I ran for president, I won the Iowa youth straw poll and was named “Candidate I’d most want to get a beer with.” So why didn’t I break through? Everyone likes to win. The threshold question for Democrats was, “Who can beat Trump?” They chose Biden. This time for Republicans, it’s, “Who can beat Biden?” Don’t make the same mistake I did: Really make the case that you can clean Biden’s clock and bring about policies and a regime change without the baggage or drama of Trump. Why choose a coin flip when you can choose a sure thing?
8. Talk More about AI ... and UBI.
Everywhere you go, you will find people who are anxious about AI. They see the world changing underneath their feet. You understand technology and innovation better than just about anyone else — just like I did in 2020. Tell them that you will see to it that they will be included in the economy of the 21st century if you are president. Forty-two percent of the people who supported me weren’t Democrats, in part because they liked hearing about policies like Universal Basic Income that will actually matter in their lives. Almost two-thirds of Americans now want UBI, and a ton of these people are Republican primary voters. You can broaden your coalition if you include the policy as part of your platform.
9. Stay Human.
I got a ton of support among Independents because they were tired of artificial, machine politicians. So many just wanted someone from outside the establishment. You can be the maverick human who doesn’t owe anyone anything but the truth and who talks like a real person. Does that remind you of anyone? That was Trump’s appeal. It can be yours too. Just remember: The better you do, the more the consultants around you will try to sand down your appeal. Don’t let them. The fact is the hired guns who populate your campaign would rather lose professionally than maximize your chances of a breakout victory. Play to win. And make sure there are people around you who say, “Let Vivek be Vivek.”
Running for president is an incredible journey. You have a real opportunity to deliver for the millions of Americans who want something different in their leaders. If you follow these points, you will maximize your chances to represent the GOP in the 2024 election. It will be an uphill climb. But hey, worst case, after the campaign you can come join me in the Forward Party.
By: Andrew Yang
Title: So You Want to Beat Trump?
Sourced From: www.politico.com/news/magazine/2023/05/17/vivek-ramaswamy-how-you-win-00097211
Published Date: Wed, 17 May 2023 03:30:00 EST