Public Policy Polling - Casey 46 and Smith 36

Public Policy Polling - Casey 46 and Smith 36
Smith, left, and Casey

Bob Casey still has a double-digit lead over challenger Tom Smith but it’s narrowing, according to the latest survey from Public Policy Polling. The freshman Senator is ahead by 10 points.

It’s 6 points tighter than PPP’s last poll of the race in late May. Then, they showed Casey with a lead of 49 percent to 33.

“Bob Casey remains the clear favorite in the Pennsylvania Senate race,” said Dean
Debnam, President of Public Policy Polling. “But there’s a pretty good chance Tom
Smith will make it closer than Rick Santorum did.”

He still has a wide name ID advantage over Smith, whose campaign announced today that it would begin airing television ads next week. 28 percent of respondents didn’t know enough about Casey’s job performance to form an opinion, while a whopping 64 percent said they didn’t know enough about of Smith.

Those who do have an opinion of Casey’s job performance are split, 36 percent to 36 percent. Smith is net negative; 22 of people view him unfavorably, 14 percent view him favorably.

Casey leads among independents 42 percent to 32.

PPP surveyed 758 Pennsylvania voters automated telephone interviews from July 21st to 23rd. The margin of error for the survey is +/-3.56 percent.


By: Keegan.Gibson
Title: Public Policy Polling: Casey 46, Smith 36
Sourced From:
Published Date: Thu, 26 Jul 2012 18:17:46 +0000

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