May 22: Stumping in Philly

Hola, Wednesday. One day closer to the weekend.

PA Weather

Ridgway | Storms Likely, 84

Strasburg | Increasing Clouds, 86

Saylorsburg | Sunny, 88

PA Sports

Phillies (35-14) | Texas 5-2 | Wed-Thu vs. Texas

Pirates (23-26) | San Francisco 7-6 (10) | Wed-Thu vs. San Francisco

What’s Happening Today. The House convenes at 11 a.m.

Happy Birthday. Cake and candles for Rep. Jim Gregory.

Daily Bruce. “Every year when summer comes around, They stretch a banner ‘cross the main street in town, You can feel somethin’s happenin’ in the air. Well, from Carol’s house up on Telegraph Hill, You can see the lights going up out in Soldiers Field, Getting ready, for the county fair” – County Fair

Pennsylvania. The Ultimate Swing State. Where can you find all the latest news on what’s happening in Keystone State politics? Sign up for the PoliticsPA Playbook. We’ll deliver all the latest headlines in an easy-to-read format every weekday at 8 AM. And it’s free. Add your name to the list and subscribe now.


Top Story

1. Courting Working-Class Voters, Harris Campaigns For Biden at SEIU Convention in Philly

VP Kamala Harris talks student debt relief in North Philly - WHYY

“As Vice President Kamala Harris took the stage for the keynote speech at the annual convention of the Service Employees International Union, the crowd in Philadelphia chanted: “Four more years.”

“We’ll do it together,” Harris told the gathering of labor leaders Tuesday before launching into a speech focused on President Joe Biden’s administration’s efforts to partner with the powerful labor union, and the stakes of the 2024 election.” (Philadelphia Inquirer)

  • VP Kamala Harris Rallies in Philadelphia with SEIU Members. (Philadelphia Tribune)



Trump Questions The Fairness Of Pennsylvania’s Election System In Exclusive Interview. “In an exclusive interview, former President Donald Trump says while his New York City trial won’t make a difference, he questions the fairness of Pennsylvania’s election system.” (CBS Pittsburgh)

Trump’s Hush Money Trial: How Would A Verdict Affect The 2024 Election? “Here is how three potential outcomes from the jury room – a guilty verdict, an acquittal or a hung jury – could affect the presidential campaign.” (Reuters)

McCormick, Casey Spar Over PA County Visits. “It can be as simple as stopping at a county fair or attending a county political party event. But getting from Erie to Philadelphia is no mean feat.” (PoliticsPA)

Vote on ‘DOA’ Border Bill a Lifeline to Casey, GOP Says. “It doesn’t have the votes to pass the GOP-controlled House or the Democrat-run Senate, but that’s not stopping Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer from bringing a border security bill to the floor this week. The goal isn’t a solution to border chaos or even to pass legislation. The point is to help protect vulnerable Senate Democrats like Sen. Bob Casey.” (DV Journal)



2. Race Data From Traffic Stops By State Police, Other Departments Won’t Be Available Under PA’s Public Records Law

Changes coming to Pennsylvania State Police patrol vehicles

Gov. Josh Shapiro is poised to sign a bill that requires Pennsylvania State Police and many other law enforcement agencies to collect data on drivers pulled over during traffic stops, including their race or ethnicity.

But the bill also exempts those data from the state’s Right-to-Know Law, filtering it instead through State Police or a third party — a concern to public information advocates.” (Spotlight PA)


Voices of Reason, S1E5. “The Israel-Hamas conflict – what is it that those on the outside do not understand? Who is mobilizing protestors on U.S. college campuses? What are possible solutions? Join us for this installment of Voices of Reason, hosted by PoliticsPA and presented by L2 Data Inc. in partnership with Broad + Liberty. ” (PoliticsPA)

House Speaker Mike Johnson Campaigns for Mackenzie in PA-7 Hotbed. “U.S. House Speaker Mike Johnson swung through the Cetronia Ambulance Corps on Tuesday morning as part of a wider tour meant to promote Lehigh Valley congressional candidate Ryan Mackenzie ahead of the November election.” (

Olsommer Sworn In As Newest Member of PA House. “The Pennsylvania House of Representatives is back to full strength as Jeff Olsommer (R-Wayne/Pike) was sworn in as the chamber’s 203rd member on Tuesday morning.” (PoliticsPA)

Rep. Kevin Boyle Returns To The PA House, After a Tumultuous Month. “State Rep. Kevin Boyle returned to the Capitol on Tuesday after a tumultuous month that included his family publicly expressing concerns about his mental health and police rescinding a warrant for his arrest just a day before the primary election.” (Philadelphia Inquirer)

PA House Committee Moves To Create Savings Accounts For First-Time Homeowners. “The House Housing and Community Development committee passed a bill that would allow Pennsylvanians to create tax deductible savings accounts meant for the purchase of their first home.” (Penn Capital-Star)


Around The Commonwealth

3. Next Steps Outlined In Cabell/Walsh Election Appeals

Primary race is the decisive one for the 117th District as Cabell, Walsh go head to head

“A flurry of filings will be due in coming days for the Commonwealth Court appeals initiated by both Republican candidates in the tight race for state representative in the 117th House District, according to the briefing schedule.

As it stands, the April 23 primary election candidates Jamie Walsh and incumbent Michael Cabell are three votes apart, with Walsh in the lead.

In the first filing requirement, the three-judge county court panels that issued the rulings must transmit a brief opinion or statement explaining the reasons for their decision to Commonwealth Court by 4 p.m. Wednesday in the Cabell appeal and by noon Thursday in the Walsh appeal, the schedule says.” (Times Leader)


DeMarco Introduces Bill To Help Residents And Local Governments During A Reassessment. “Four Allegheny County Council members introduced legislation Tuesday aimed at rationalizing the tax appeals process and helping municipal governments better navigate the fiscal impact of any potential property reassessments.” (Pittsburgh Post-Gazette)

Prominent Bucks County Antiabortion Activist Houck Sues Over His Arrest For Scuffle With Planned Parenthood Volunteer. “The suit from Mark Houck, who recently lost a GOP primary challenge to U.S. Rep. Brian Fitzpatrick, comes months after he was acquitted on charges tied to a scuffle with a Planned Parenthood volunteer” (Philadelphia Inquirer)

Penn State Trustees Approve $700M Beaver Stadium Renovation. “Total project costs will not exceed $700 million, with $70 million of that having already been approved by the board last May. According to administrators, the current projected budget sits at $664 million. Penn State athletics would be required to return to the board for approval of any funding that exceeds $700 million.” (



4. What’s On Your Mind

  • Biden Makes A Case Against His Own Re-Election By Promising De Facto Tax Hike On Working Families. (Jennifer Stefano)
  • Biden Lawsuit Against Sheetz Gas Will Enrage Pennsylvania Voters. (Selena Zito)
  • Whether Alito or Thomas, Recusal Strikes Out On The High Court. (Gene Collier)
  • A Winning — But Underfunded — Strategy For Solving PA’s Teaching Crisis. (Aroutis Foster, Kimberly A. Lawless, Monika W. Shealey, Katharine O. Strunk, and Eboni Zamani-Gallaher)
  • Pennsylvania’s Senate Has Answered Gov. Shapiro’s Challenge. (Nathan Benefield)
  • Time to Close the Hatch Act’s Escape Hatch. (Hampton Dellinger)
  • Dark Side of the Left’s Move to Ban ‘Dark Money’ (Matthew J. Brouillette)
  • Cherelle Parker is Unapologetically Normal – Much To Her Critics’ Dismay. (Terry Tracy)
  • Raw Dairy Products Are Unsafe. Pennsylvania Lawmakers Shouldn’t Make It Easier To Buy Them. (LNP)


1 Thing

5. Paying It Forward

UMass Dartmouth graduation speaker gives each student $1,000 | Fox Business

“The clouds weren’t alone in making it rain on the commencement ceremony at the University of Massachusetts Dartmouth last week. On stage, billionaire philanthropist Rob Hale surprised the graduating class of more than 1,000 by pointing to a nearby truck holding envelopes stuffed with cash.

Huddling under ponchos and umbrellas at the soggy ceremony, the graduates yelled and cheered, their mouths agape, as Hale announced he was showering money upon them. Security guards then lugged the cash-filled duffel bags onto the stage.

Hale told the students each would get $1,000. But there was a condition: They were to keep $500 and give the rest away.” (AP)


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By: Steve Ulrich
Title: May 22: Stumping in Philly
Sourced From:
Published Date: Wed, 22 May 2024 12:39:14 +0000

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